Hello? New on this forum and to CCleaner. If I am on the wrong forum please tell me where I need to go for help.
I have downloaded CCleaner and run a scan for analysis only and did no repairs or deletions. I will try to do an Attachment but if I fail this is my question.
On the ?Uninstall? screen there is a list of the items found in the analysis scan and there is a button at the lower right corner that says ?Save to text file?? I clicked that button but don?t know where to go to find it. Can you tell me where it is located?
Will I get a response via email or do I have to come back to this forum?
When I press that 'save to text file' button, I get a window that comes up asking me where I want to save it, the default being 'my documents'.
Do you not get this window come up?
Which version of windows and CCleaner are you using?
Hazelnut....thanks for the feedback and am sorry about the double attachment of the same thing in my original post, beginners luck.
This time I was very careful and found the data in Program Files in it?s own folder where there were 5 entries, must go there by default. I also made a folder in My Documents and saved the last run there. You asked my version of CCleaner...v2.04.543, updates tells me that is the latest version and I run Windows XP Home SP2
Thank you davey & JDPower I have put a quick start button to the Beginners Guide on my desktop and will review it before I do much of anything. Right now I am just learning all the buttons on this forum as well as CCleaner in general
From reading your Post I thought you may be thinking that CCleaner was providing you a list of Programs that should be deleted.
I may have misunderstood your meaning or intentions.
I provide the following advice for all CCleaner users.
New or inexperienced users should not Uninstall or Delete any Programs.
At least not without help and/or a greater understanding of the consequences ,which could be troubling to disasterous.
Deleting software or changing the Windows Registry is not recommended without such help or experience..
The Tools function in CCleaner is in response to some requests by more experienced users in the past.
The UNINSTALL feature is a more detailed list than what is provided by using Add/Remove Programs feature in Windows.This allows functions that are not even available in Add/Remove Programs.
This list is not created from a scan to determine which programs should be removed or to even suggest that they be removed.
The STARTUP feature should be treated likewise.
All users are advised to read and review the Beginners Guide which I think should be renamed and expanded as the CCleaner Users Guide.