'Save H:\$Mft elsewhere' appears at start of Defraggler drive scan

My external H: data drive defragments without problem when I use the Windows XP defragment utility.

When I try using Defraggler, I get this worrying popup as soon as the initial drive scan starts:

Windows - Delayed Write Failed

Windows was unable to save all the data for H:\$Mft.

The data has been lost. This error may be cause by a failure

of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try

to save this file elsewhere.

I cannot find any advice on the web about how I save $Mft elsewhere.

Defraggler then locks up. Drive H: cannot be safely removed, and cannot be viewed in Windows Explorer. Difficulty experienced closing the system down. After reboot, running CHKDSK on drive H: shows no fault. Drive contents are fortunately still intact.

Drive H: is a Trekstor 8 Datastation USB hard drive of capacity 149GB with 79GB unused.

Hi Rackbrane.

Have a read here ...


... as I think this is more of a problem related to "write caching" being active rather than a problem specific to saving $Mft data.

I've always avoided all possible problems related to a "delayed write" being interrupted for whatever reason by disabling the "Enable write caching on the disk" feature on all my hard drives, both internal drives and external USB drives.

There may be a specific cause for the failed $Mft data save, but I believe disabling "write caching" would prevent that and other failed writes from happening.

That's my opinion and solution, and you may get other constructive suggestions from other members, but I've always been of the opinion that having "write caching" enabled on any hard drive is an accident waiting to happen.

Hope that helps.

I've always avoided all possible problems related to a "delayed write" being interrupted for whatever reason by disabling the "Enable write caching on the disk" feature on all my hard drives, both internal drives and external USB drives.

Just a word of caution.

When I did this to the system HDD on my Laptop, Windows XP took 3 or 4 times longer than normal to boot up and allow me to reach the login screen.

I very quickly found an alternative way to meet my temporary needs for a solution to a Windows Race Hazard when writing two "simultaneous" message to the same file.

Perhaps Windows would boot up from an SSD with the same fast speed regardless of write caching.

You will probably never notice any effect on the speed when using a USB2 connection,

and it may have no significant effect for normal use of a non-system internal HDD.

I can only speak from my personal experience, but I've never had a noticeable difference in the boot up time of my XP system with write caching disabled on my system drive, and I've had this set-up for quite a number of years now.

I've never been a fan of "write caching".

My laptop was made by Acer and I used it with SP2 some years before SP3 was available.

I cannot remember whether I encountered the problem in the SP2 or SP3 era.

Perhaps I had some software installed that did crazy writing to random places all over the HDD.


If an external drive connected via a external powered USB2 Hub was powered up before switching on the computer,

that would make startup so slow that write caching made no noticeable difference.

This XP machine of mine doesn't carry a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), and I would guess I'm not alone with that, which means the risk of data corruption and the possible disastrous consequences which could arise from that, are more likely to result from something like a power outage.

For a time I had "write caching" disabled on all of my drives (separate internal data drive, USB hard drives and USB flash drives), except for my System Drive. But after doing a little research into the possible effects on my system drive, I couldn't find anything to convince me that there was any kind of risk attached to disabling write caching on it apart from the possible performance loss, which you mention above.

So I bit the bullet and as it turns out, I've never noticed any change in performance at all, and I've never experienced any issues which could be related to it.

I must add that this is with my individual computer, and others may experience something different with regards to performance, but it hasn't done me any harm, and can always be enabled again if needs dictate. However, when it comes to anything other than a system drive, you couldn't pay me to enable "write caching".

@ Rackbrane

Forgive the discussion in your topic, but it is kinda relevant to your initial issue of a "failed write".


I now have a debug report for this fault. How do I add it to this post? Do I just paste the rather large quantity of text below this message, or is there a better way? Incidentally, command line df.exe did not give any problem defragmenting drive H:\.

Just "attach" the debug log into this thread.

The log file content is below. Lines 172 onwards are repeated indefinitely. Looks as though Defraggler is stuck in a loop.

[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#721 C:\Program Files\Defraggler\Defraggler.exe
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#723 CmdLine: "C:\Program Files\Defraggler\Defraggler.exe" H: /analysis /debug
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#727 Version: 2_14_706
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#753 FileVersion:
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#754 ProductVersion:
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#755 Flags: 0x00000000, OS: 0x00000004, Type: 0x00000002, Subtype: 0x00000000
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogApplicationInfo#756 Flags description: Release
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#774 Computer name: rogerm-e6cd295d
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#781 User name: RogerM
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#789 OEM ID: 0
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#790 Number of processors: 1
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#791 Page size: 4096
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#792 Processor type: 586
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#793 Minimum application address: 10000
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#794 Maximum application address: 7ffeffff
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#795 Active processor mask: 1
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#798 Clean boot: 0
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#799 Monitors: 1, Display: 1024x768, Virtual: 0x0 1024x768
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#809 Major: 0x00000005, Minor: 0x00000001, Build: 2600, PlatformId: 0x00000002
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#810 SPMajor: 0x0003, SPMinor: 0x0000, CSDVersion: "Service Pack 3"
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#811 SuiteMask: 0x00000300, ProductType: 0x00000001
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 0 DfLogger::HostLogger::LogSystemInfo#823 Memory: Load: 63, Physical: 192835584/527822848, PageFile: 852779008/1287892992, Virtual: 2103795712/2147352576, Extended 0
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 1 wWinMain#370 H: /analysis /debug
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 1 CProgramInstanceMonitorHelper::GetTaskScheduleMutex#79 Failed to open mutex Global\DefragglerTS (code 0x2)
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 1 OpenGlobalEvent#437 Failed to open existing event: G (error: 0x2)
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 1 OpenGlobalEvent#437 Failed to open existing event: G (error: 0x2)
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.606] 00dd4 1 CProgramInstanceMonitorHelper::GetTaskScheduleMutex#79 Failed to open mutex Global\DefragglerTS (code 0x2)
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.622] 00dd4 1 GetSystemVolumeId#214 GetSystemWindowsDirectory returned "C:\WINDOWS" (system volume is C:).
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.622] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::CMainFrame#181 Entering CMainFrame::CMainFrame
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.622] 00dd4 1 PersistentSettings<class CConfigStoragePolicy>::VariableWrapper<class ATL::CStringT<wchar_t,class ATL::StrTraitATL<wchar_t,class ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > > >::DoDataExchange#214 RegistryDataExchangeEx(0) for FFPolicy0 failed (hr=0x80070002).
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.622] 00dd4 1 PersistentSettings<class CConfigStoragePolicy>::VariableWrapper<class ATL::CStringT<wchar_t,class ATL::StrTraitATL<wchar_t,class ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > > >::DoDataExchange#214 RegistryDataExchangeEx(0) for Excluded1 failed (hr=0x80070002).
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.622] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::onchangePriority#2784 SetPriorityClass(0x00000020) succeeded.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.622] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::CMainFrame#181 Leaving CMainFrame::CMainFrame
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.637] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::OnCreate#578 Entering CMainFrame::OnCreate
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.715] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::CreateChildWindows#280 Creating driveListForm_.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.715] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::CreateChildWindows#282 Creating driveMapForm_.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.715] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::CreateChildWindows#287 Creating fileListForm_.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.856] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::OnCreate#635 Creating tray icon.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.856] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::Initialize#435 Initializing MessageMethodMarshaler.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.856] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::Initialize#447 Initializing VolumeManager.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.856] 00dd4 1 CVolumeManagerBase::CVolumeManagerBase#10 Entering CVolumeManagerBase::CVolumeManagerBase
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.856] 00dd4 1 CVolumeManagerBase::CVolumeManagerBase#10 Leaving CVolumeManagerBase::CVolumeManagerBase
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00dd4 1 CVolumeManager::CVolumeManager#12 Entering CVolumeManager::CVolumeManager
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00dd4 1 CVolumeManager::CVolumeManager#12 Leaving CVolumeManager::CVolumeManager
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00dd4 1 CVolumeManager::Initialize#21 Entering CVolumeManager::Initialize
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00dd4 1 CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize#18 Entering CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00dd4 1 CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize#28 Enabling SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege succeeded.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00dd4 1 CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize#34 Enabling SE_RESTORE_NAME privilege succeeded.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00dd4 1 CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize#18 Leaving CVolumeManagerBase::Initialize
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00dd4 1 CVolumeManager::Initialize#21 Leaving CVolumeManager::Initialize
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::Initialize#460 Initializing VolumeNavigator.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00dd4 1 CDriveMap::CDriveMap#20 Entering CDriveMap::CDriveMap
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::RebuildVolumesMap#159 Entering CVolumeManagerBase::RebuildVolumesMap
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::RebuildVolumesMap#164 Logical drive letters id: 0x0000009c, arrival disks:
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::RebuildVolumesMap#168 Arrival disk: C
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::RebuildVolumesMap#168 Arrival disk: D
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::RebuildVolumesMap#168 Arrival disk: E
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::RebuildVolumesMap#168 Arrival disk: H
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#351 Start update for volume C:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00dd4 1 CDriveMap::CDriveMap#20 Leaving CDriveMap::CDriveMap
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00dd4 1 CVolumeNavigator::CVolumeNavigator#10 Entering CVolumeNavigator::CVolumeNavigator
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00dd4 1 CVolumeNavigator::CVolumeNavigator#10 Leaving CVolumeNavigator::CVolumeNavigator
[2013-05-27] [18:56:42.872] 00dd4 1 CVolumeNavigator::Initialize#23 Entering CVolumeNavigator::Initialize
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.403] 00cc0 1 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDevice#22 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDevice identified device by ATA command
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.403] 00cc0 1 VolumeUtils::IsSsdDrive#348 Rotational speed of drive: C: is 0
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.403] 00cc0 1 CVolume::CVolume#77 CVolume object created for volume C:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.403] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#370 Volume: C:, size: 39999500288, free: 24554020864, fs: NTFS, name: "".
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.403] 00dd4 1 CVolumeNavigator::ConnectToVolumeSignals#157 Connecting to volume C:: signals.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.403] 00dd4 1 CVolumeNavigator::Initialize#23 Leaving CVolumeNavigator::Initialize
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.403] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded#82 Entering CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.403] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManager::ChangeNotificationOwner::ChangeNotificationOwner#49 Registered notification for "C:\", handle: 0x0000029c
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.403] 00cc0 1 CVolume::Initialize#233 Intialization for volume C: started.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.403] 00dd4 1 CSmartMonitor::CSmartMonitor#11 Entering CSmartMonitor::CSmartMonitor
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.403] 00dd4 1 CSmartMonitor::CSmartMonitor#11 Leaving CSmartMonitor::CSmartMonitor
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.465] 00cc0 1 CVolume::Initialize#268 GetClustersCount for volume C: returned 9765503 clusters.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.528] 00cc0 1 CVolume::ReloadMap#484 MftZone: <810816, 822752).
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.528] 00cc0 1 CVolume::Initialize#289 Raise VolumeMapChangedSignal for volume C:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.528] 00cc0 1 CVolume::Initialize#293 Intialization for volume C: finished.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.543] 00dd4 1 FindResourceNameFromOrdinal::FindResourceIdFromOrdinal::BeginSearching#104 EnumResourceNames failed (hr=0x00000000)
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.543] 00dd4 1 FindResourceNameFromOrdinal::FindResourceIdFromOrdinal::BeginSearching#104 EnumResourceNames failed (hr=0x800703f0)
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.543] 00dd4 1 CDriveListForm::OnVolumesMapChange#480 Select default volume C:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.543] 00dd4 1 CVolumeNavigator::SelectVolume#412 New volume selected: C:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.559] 00dd4 1 CFilesListViewImpl::SetFileList#525 Copy took 0.00s
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.559] 00dd4 1 CFilesListViewImpl::SortProc#258 Sorting 0 elements took 0.0000 seconds
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.559] 00dd4 1 CFilesListViewImpl::SortProc#258 Sorting 0 elements took 0.0000 seconds
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.684] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded#82 Leaving CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.684] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#393 Finish update for bvi C:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.684] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#351 Start update for volume D:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.684] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::GetBasicVolumeInfo#257 Unsupported drive type 5 for volume D:
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.684] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#393 Finish update for bvi D:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.684] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#351 Start update for volume E:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.715] 00ba8 1 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDevice#22 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDevice identified device by ATA command
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.715] 00cc0 1 CVolume::CVolume#77 CVolume object created for volume E:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.715] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#370 Volume: E:, size: 8086585344, free: 4212142080, fs: NTFS, name: "Backups".
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.715] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded#82 Entering CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.715] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManager::ChangeNotificationOwner::ChangeNotificationOwner#49 Registered notification for "E:\", handle: 0x000002d0
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.778] 00cc0 1 CVolume::Initialize#233 Intialization for volume E: started.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.778] 00cc0 1 CVolume::Initialize#268 GetClustersCount for volume E: returned 1974264 clusters.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.793] 00cc0 1 CVolume::ReloadMap#484 MftZone: <786528, 987136).
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.793] 00cc0 1 CVolume::Initialize#289 Raise VolumeMapChangedSignal for volume E:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.793] 00cc0 1 CVolume::Initialize#293 Intialization for volume E: finished.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.793] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded#82 Leaving CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.793] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#393 Finish update for bvi E:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.793] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#351 Start update for volume H:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.793] 00cc0 1 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDeviceAta#107 Error occured while obtaining ATA Identification data for volume: \\.\H:, error code: 50
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.809] 00cc0 1 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDeviceAtaPassThrough#153 Error occured while obtaining ATA PASS THROUGH Identification data for volume: \\.\H:, error code: 50
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.809] 00cc0 1 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDeviceAtaPassThrough#182 Error occured while obtaining IDE PASS THROUGH Identification data for volume: \\.\H:, error code: 50
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.809] 00cc0 1 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDeviceAtaPassThrough#153 Error occured while obtaining ATA PASS THROUGH Identification data for volume: \\.\H:, error code: 50
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.809] 00cc0 1 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDeviceAtaPassThrough#182 Error occured while obtaining IDE PASS THROUGH Identification data for volume: \\.\H:, error code: 50
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.825] 00cc0 1 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDevice#60 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDevice identified device by SAT command
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.825] 00cc0 1 VolumeUtils::IsSsdDrive#348 Rotational speed of drive: H: is 0
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.825] 00cc0 1 CVolume::CVolume#77 CVolume object created for volume H:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.825] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#370 Volume: H:, size: 160041852928, free: 81805139968, fs: NTFS, name: "TrekStor".
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.825] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded#82 Entering CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.825] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManager::ChangeNotificationOwner::ChangeNotificationOwner#49 Registered notification for "H:\", handle: 0x000002d4
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.825] 00cc0 1 CVolume::Initialize#233 Intialization for volume H: started.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:43.825] 00cc0 1 CVolume::Initialize#268 GetClustersCount for volume H: returned 39072718 clusters.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.075] 00cc0 1 CVolume::ReloadMap#484 MftZone: <794720, 5670528).
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.075] 00cc0 1 CVolume::Initialize#289 Raise VolumeMapChangedSignal for volume H:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.075] 00cc0 1 CVolume::Initialize#293 Intialization for volume H: finished.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.075] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded#82 Leaving CVolumeManager::OnVolumeAdded
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.075] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::UpdateVolume#393 Finish update for bvi H:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.075] 00cc0 1 CVolumeManagerBase::RebuildVolumesMap#159 Leaving CVolumeManagerBase::RebuildVolumesMap
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.106] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::OnCreate#698 Registering object for message filtering.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.106] 00dd4 1 Wow64FsRedirectorDisabler::Acquire#38 Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection skipped.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.106] 00dd4 1 Wow64FsRedirectorDisabler::Release#59 Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection skipped.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.106] 00dd4 1 CSmartMonitor::GetHealthStatus#1951 Volume C: data unavailable
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.121] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::PrepareLayout#364 Updating layout.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.153] 00dd4 1 CSmartMonitor::GetHealthStatus#1951 Volume C: data unavailable
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.153] 00dd4 1 CSmartMonitor::GetHealthStatus#1951 Volume C: data unavailable
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.153] 00dd4 1 CSmartMonitor::GetHealthStatus#1951 Volume C: data unavailable
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.184] 00dd4 1 CSmartMonitor::GetHealthStatus#1951 Volume C: data unavailable
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.184] 00dd4 1 CSmartMonitor::GetHealthStatus#1951 Volume C: data unavailable
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.200] 00dd4 1 CSmartMonitor::GetHealthStatus#1951 Volume C: data unavailable
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.231] 00dd4 1 CSmartMonitor::GetHealthStatus#1951 Volume C: data unavailable
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.231] 00dd4 1 CSmartMonitor::GetHealthStatus#1951 Volume C: data unavailable
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.278] 00dd4 1 CCheckForUpdates::CheckForUpdates#111 Checking for updates
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.278] 00dd4 1 CCheckForUpdates::CheckForUpdates#129 Update check is not needed
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.278] 00dd4 1 CCheckForUpdates::CheckForUpdates#134 Forcing update check
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.278] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::OnCreate#578 Leaving CMainFrame::OnCreate
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.293] 00dd4 1 CVolumeNavigator::ConnectToVolumeSignals#154 Signals already connected to volume C::.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.293] 00d54 1 CCheckForUpdates::CheckThread#160 Update check thread started
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.371] 00dd4 1 FindResourceNameFromOrdinal::FindResourceIdFromOrdinal::BeginSearching#104 EnumResourceNames failed (hr=0x00000000)
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.387] 00dd4 1 FindResourceNameFromOrdinal::FindResourceIdFromOrdinal::BeginSearching#104 EnumResourceNames failed (hr=0x800703f0)
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.387] 00dd4 1 FindResourceNameFromOrdinal::FindResourceIdFromOrdinal::BeginSearching#104 EnumResourceNames failed (hr=0x800703f0)
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.387] 00dd4 1 FindResourceNameFromOrdinal::FindResourceIdFromOrdinal::BeginSearching#104 EnumResourceNames failed (hr=0x800703f0)
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.387] 00dd4 1 CVolumeNavigator::ConnectToVolumeSignals#157 Connecting to volume E:: signals.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:44.403] 00dd4 1 CVolumeNavigator::ConnectToVolumeSignals#157 Connecting to volume H:: signals.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:45.090] 00ba8 1 CSmartMonitor::GetSmartAttribute#80 CSmartMonitor::GetSmartAttribute retreive SMART data by sending ATA command
[2013-05-27] [18:56:45.652] 00d54 1 CCheckForUpdates::CheckThread#188 String returned by server: $$$|0|2.14.706|$$$š©ÿÿÿÿ[Ç ø¨ö!øÿÿÿÿ’Ä"ø™áN€ ð6‚À4!‚À4!‚ž,øL8‚0ú:‚ @8‚˜C8‚4œ$Üš©£žO€«žO€œ˜šÌš G8‚²c€Ð;ú˜š
[2013-05-27] [18:56:45.652] 00d54 1 CCheckForUpdates::CheckThread#203 CheckForUpdate succeeded. (isUpdateAvailable: 0, newVersion: "2.14.706")
[2013-05-27] [18:56:46.184] 009ac 1 CVolume::UpdateDriveMap#554 Map generated in 2.06990 seconds.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:46.996] 009ac 1 CVolume::UpdateDriveMap#554 Map generated in 0.82448 seconds.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:54.729] 00dd4 1 CVolumeNavigator::SelectVolume#412 New volume selected: H:.
[2013-05-27] [18:56:54.729] 00dd4 1 CFilesListViewImpl::SetFileList#525 Copy took 0.00s
[2013-05-27] [18:56:54.729] 00dd4 1 CFilesListViewImpl::SortProc#258 Sorting 0 elements took 0.0000 seconds
[2013-05-27] [18:56:54.729] 00dd4 1 CFilesListViewImpl::SortProc#258 Sorting 0 elements took 0.0000 seconds
[2013-05-27] [18:56:54.745] 00dd4 1 CSmartMonitor::GetHealthStatus#1951 Volume H: data unavailable
[2013-05-27] [18:56:54.761] 00dd4 1 CFilesListViewImpl::SetFileList#525 Copy took 0.00s
[2013-05-27] [18:56:54.792] 00dd4 1 CSmartMonitor::GetHealthStatus#1951 Volume H: data unavailable
[2013-05-27] [18:56:54.792] 00dd4 1 CSmartMonitor::GetHealthStatus#1951 Volume H: data unavailable
[2013-05-27] [18:56:54.807] 00ba8 1 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDeviceAta#107 Error occured while obtaining ATA Identification data for volume: \\.\H:, error code: 50
[2013-05-27] [18:56:54.807] 00ba8 1 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDeviceAtaPassThrough#153 Error occured while obtaining ATA PASS THROUGH Identification data for volume: \\.\H:, error code: 50
[2013-05-27] [18:56:54.807] 00ba8 1 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDeviceAtaPassThrough#182 Error occured while obtaining IDE PASS THROUGH Identification data for volume: \\.\H:, error code: 50
[2013-05-27] [18:56:54.823] 00ba8 1 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDeviceAtaPassThrough#153 Error occured while obtaining ATA PASS THROUGH Identification data for volume: \\.\H:, error code: 50
[2013-05-27] [18:56:54.823] 00ba8 1 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDeviceAtaPassThrough#182 Error occured while obtaining IDE PASS THROUGH Identification data for volume: \\.\H:, error code: 50
[2013-05-27] [18:56:54.854] 00ba8 1 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDevice#60 VolumeUtils::CATAIdentifier::GetIdentifyDevice identified device by SAT command
[2013-05-27] [18:57:04.009] 00dd4 1 CMainFrame::OnDestroy#804 Entering CMainFrame::OnDestroy
[2013-05-27] [18:57:04.025] 00dd4 1 PersistentSettings<class CConfigStoragePolicy>::VariableWrapper<class ATL::CStringT<wchar_t,class ATL::StrTraitATL<wchar_t,class ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > > >::DoDataExchange#214 RegistryDataExchangeEx(0) for FFPolicy1 failed (hr=0x80070002).
[2013-05-27] [18:57:04.025] 00dd4 1 PersistentSettings<class CConfigStoragePolicy>::VariableWrapper<class ATL::CStringT<wchar_t,class ATL::StrTraitATL<wchar_t,class ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > > >::DoDataExchange#214 RegistryDataExchangeEx(0) for Excluded1 failed (hr=0x80070002).
[2013-05-27] [18:57:04.025] 00dd4 1 CVolumeNavigator::Shutdown#78 Entering CVolumeNavigator::Shutdown
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.149] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.165] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.165] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.165] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.165] 009ac 1 CVolumeBitmapProvider::ReloadFromCluster#116 FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP for handle 0x00000000, lcn: 9437184 failed with error code 6
[2013-05-27] [18:57:07.165] 009ac 1 CVolumeHandleManager::GetHandle#29 Open volume \: failed with error code 0x80070002.
