I have never heard of this program till today and I checked on their website, it all sounds like great protection.
Is it worth downloading?
Can it coexist with ZoneAlarm and any A/V, anti-malware program?
I have never heard of this program till today and I checked on their website, it all sounds like great protection.
Is it worth downloading?
Can it coexist with ZoneAlarm and any A/V, anti-malware program?
I have never heard of this program till today and I checked on their website, it all sounds like great protection.
Is it worth downloading?
Can it coexist with ZoneAlarm and any A/V, anti-malware program?
Yes to all your questions. Do a search on here there are many threads about it.
I'm sure not a Sandboxie expert, but I use it 100% of the time with Firefox -- and love it. However, there are a few little setup things you'll need to do in order to capture any new bookmarks and any new legitimate downloads. Anthony can probably give you some help with this if you need it.
Thank you for your thumbs up. I will give it a try.
I would like to try Sandboxie but I can't afford it being on a fixed pension and limited funds.
I use all the free applications that I can that prevent malware from infesting my system like a good anti virus application like Avira!, HOSTS file from hpHosts and MVPS, Windows Defender and WinPatrol.
So far I have been malware free since I started using the Internet about when it became available through a 1200BPS dial-up modem.
I warded off the infamous CWS plague, Mydoom, Sasser, Sobig and other prevalent infections unscathed using free applications and knowledge that I gained from the great community here on the Internet with one of them being GRC Discussion newsgroup http://www.grc.com/discussions.htm where I learned about what was good and what was bad.
I would like to try Sandboxie but I can't afford it being on a fixed pension and limited funds.
I use all the free applications that I can that prevent malware from infesting my system like a good anti virus application like Avira!, HOSTS file from hpHosts and MVPS, Windows Defender and WinPatrol.
So far I have been malware free since I started using the Internet about when it became available through a 1200BPS dial-up modem.
I warded off the infamous CWS plague, Mydoom, Sasser, Sobig and other prevalent infections unscathed using free applications and knowledge that I gained from the great community here on the Internet with one of them being GRC Discussion newsgroup http://www.grc.com/discussions.htm where I learned about what was good and what was bad.
Sandboxie has a free version. It has some limitations compared to the paid version but nothing I miss.
I'm trying the free version from FileHippo now.Sandboxie has a free version. It has some limitations compared to the paid version but nothing I miss.
Kenny I also use the free version, and have for many months.
I could not imagine using my browser without it. Right-click, run sandboxed, has become second nature.
It's just another layer of protection, and one I would not be without.
Also when I close my browser, I empty the sandbox without thinking now. I know Humpty has set up more strictly than me, but I'm fine with mine as it is.
Also allows you to open an email you are not sure about and then delete the sandbox. But remember that email will now be gone, unless you have set sandboxie up to keep it.
A link here for anyone thinking about using it but wanting to know a bit more.
Hey razz
I was using Sandboxie (free version) with IE7 & Outlook Express for months, and I wouldn't launch IE7 without it!
I'm now using it with Firefox & Thunderbird
Well this old dog just learned some new tricks Woof woof.Kenny I also use the free version, and have for many months.
I could not imagine using my browser without it. Right-click, run sandboxed, has become second nature.
It's just another layer of protection, and one I would not be without.
Also when I close my browser, I empty the sandbox without thinking now. I know Humpty has set up more strictly than me, but I'm fine with mine as it is.
Also allows you to open an email you are not sure about and then delete the sandbox. But remember that email will now be gone, unless you have set sandboxie up to keep it.
A link here for anyone thinking about using it but wanting to know a bit more.
My opinion is that Sandboxie is a great, if not one of the best security apps ever.
Less than half a meg download, around a meg installed, using minimal resources and exceptionally secure.
Sandboxie at default settings is highly secure and the below banter may seem a bit tedious but after using SB for a while and getting used to how it works it sorta becomes second nature.
I have the registered version which allows me to create multiple sandboxes but I only usually use two.
The default sandbox is set so that only Firefox, Windows mail and WMP can run with only FF and Windows Mail being the only apps that can use internet resources.
In other words any sandbox can be set so only certain apps can run and only some or all of those apps can connect to the net.
I have a "Test" sandbox where I install all tpes of malware and rogue apps that I may want to check out as these simply cannot run in the default box as it's set for only certain apps.
Delete the contents of the Test sandbox and not a skerrick remains.
Well you have a convert here and now I have to learn a bit more about it.
It is running fine on the old PIII that I am using now with no apparent performance hit.
BIG Returnil fan here, and always will be, but I think I may just dip my toe in the sand again.
BIG Returnil fan here, and always will be, but I think I may just dip my toe in the sand again.
IMO Returnil and Sandboxie are very different. I would use Returnil for when I want to try out an app. Reboot and the app is gone. Sandboxie is better for browsing or running a specific program. You don't virtualize the whole system just the program and the files it needs to run and no reboot to get out of it.
I also had a system get destroyed with Returnil. Removed an older version of Returnil and installed a newer version and could not boot. Prior to that I was a big fan but now I don't use it.
I use Incredimail as my email client, will Sandbox block any email coming and going?
Anything not running in the sandbox will run as per normal.
I haven't run Incredimail but it should be able to run sanboxed without any problems.
Sandboxie will only block certain apps connecting to the net if configured to do so.
BIG Returnil fan here, and always will be, but I think I may just dip my toe in the sand again.
I use both along with Virtual Machines if and when the need arises.
There are horses for different courses with Sandboxie, Returnil and VM's excelling in their intended usage.
Well, here I am, Sandboxed.
The reason I've decided to start using it is simply the ability to save stuff, like hopefully, bookmarks. I can save downloaded apps etc onto my partition, which is what I do. But bookmarks have to be cut and pasted into notepad if I'm using Returnil.
As you say Humpty, horses for courses. Returnil will always be the program of choice for trying new software, but for general browsing, it's now Sandboxie.
Am I right in thinking Sandboxie is now easier to use, or more streamlined if you like, than it was when it first came out?
Might just be my imagination. Or a senior moment.
im finally giving this a whirl as well....see if i like it.
I un-installed it as it is about as annoying as Vista's UAC.im finally giving this a whirl as well....see if i like it.
I un-installed it as it is about as annoying as Vista's UAC.
How did you come to that conclusion?