Sandboxie License

As from yesterday there will no longer be possible to buy a lifetime license for Sandboxie.


New license costs

I just saw that announcement on Sandboxie's web site. I always thought the lifetime license that was good for all computers owned by the license holder was extremely generous and unique given the quality of this product and tzuk's commitment to it. So I guess I can understand the need to down-scale it now to an annual license only. Glad the changes apply only on a going-forward basis and the current liifetime license holders (like me) are unaffected. And the free version is still quite a bargain!

I agree with everything you said cc 1.

I also have a lifetime license and it is usually the first thing I install on my machine if I do a reinstall for any reason. As you say the free version is still a bargain which ever way you look at it.

I never knew that sandboxie's license was lifetime, wow.

That being said, given the utility of the program, I can see why they are shifting to this model. I can't gripe about that.

free alternative:

  1. boot LiveDVD
  2. run firefox
  3. surf interweb


some LiveDVDs can be imaged to flash usb drives for superior performance

In no way is a liveCD an alternative for daily use of Sandboxie in my opinion.

LiveCD's have a great role to play, but daily use for all surfing, emails testing etc is just not practical for most people.

In no way is a liveCD an alternative for daily use of Sandboxie in my opinion.

LiveCD's have a great role to play, but daily use for all surfing, emails testing etc is just not practical for most people.

Same here. Open... is right, live CDs are a great alternative, and imho great fun, but maybe not so practical for everyday use.

Sort of sad to see Sandboxie go to yearly fee, but it is a truly remarkable software.

Tzuk certainly deserves whatever reward he gets.