Sage English Dictonary

I found this very cool free dictionary/thesaurus program on I used it to search for a couple words and it did a great job. You never know when you might need a program like this.


A litte easier and space saving?

With adds all over the place as well. Plus when I do research I tend to have about 15-20 firefox tabs open. This eliminates one tab and makes it easier to find.

Just downloaded it and quickly tried it, seems quite good, allows you to get anagrams from words that you input as well. :)

just looked at some of the screen shots of it and it does seem pretty nice.

Might give it a try.

Thanks for the good find! :D

Haha did I finally get to you? :D

I found this very cool free dictionary/thesaurus program on I used it to search for a couple words and it did a great job. You never know when you might need a program like this.

can anyone recommend a nice online dictionary and thesaurus site(s)...? prefer little adds... and simple to navigate... i currently using Merrian-Webster OnLine... but is full of stuff... i will try the program rridgely recommend as well...

can anyone recommend a nice online dictionary and thesaurus site(s)...? prefer little adds... and simple to navigate... i currently using Merrian-Webster OnLine... but is full of stuff... i will try the program rridgely recommend as well...

Try this one.

thanks Sniper... i appreciate that... but the thesaurus dont seems to be working...

thanks Sniper... i appreciate that... but the thesaurus dont seems to be working...

Weird. What words did you try? I ran several and it worked fine. Did you scroll down the page? They give the definition first then a thesaurus list further down.

ok... i saw it... hiding in the middle somewhere... thanks...