Runtime Error help?

Hi, I have a Microsoft visual c++ runtime library error and it's from:

program: c:\programfiles\americaonline9.0\waol.exe

r6025- pure virtual function call

I had this happen to me twice in about 4 days now. The aoltechs told me to uninstall and reinstall aol 9.0 and also uninstall and reinstall aol coach, but i still have the same problem. I wanted to know is this a registry problem? Also if it is, can CCleaner fix this problem in the registry? I would appreciate if someone can help me on this.


That's what you get for installing AOL.

Uninstall AOL and then dont reinstall. Your computer will be better without AOL. You might also want to switch ISP.

AOL sucks anyways.

If you reinstall Windows, then keep AOL as far away from it you can.

Eldmannen this is your warning. Do not post crap like that again. Saying that aol is crap will not fix this persons problems or make things better in any way.


Dokken I'm not sure what caused the error but here is what I would do. Uninstall all parts of aol on your system. Then open up CCleaner and do an issues scan. Keep running it and cleaning untill it dosent find anything else at all. Then reboot and reinstall aol.

If you get the error again let us know.

Eldmannen this is your warning. Do not post crap like that again. Saying that aol is crap will not fix this persons problems or make things better in any way.


Dokken I'm not sure what caused the error but here is what I would do. Uninstall all parts of aol on your system. Then open up CCleaner and do an issues scan. Keep running it and cleaning untill it dosent find anything else at all. Then reboot and reinstall aol.

If you get the error again let us know.

Ok, i will do that and i will let you know. Thank You so much! :)

Let me know if it solves the problems. If not, I might be able to suggest some other things. I have never used AOL and don't know much about it.

Let me know if it solves the problems. If not, I might be able to suggest some other things. I have never used AOL and don't know much about it.

Ok, i did everything you told me. So far i haven't got the error yet. It happened within four days of using the web. If it comes up again, i will let you know.

Thank you again for taking your time to help me on this! Thanks! :D

I have never used AOL and don't know much about it.

waol.exe has been a problem with AOL's software for many years in various versions. It can randomly crash etc., and if it's misbehaving there won't be any Internet access via AOL.

As rridgely already stated, uninstalling AOL followed by a reboot and reinstall of AOL is usually the only fix.


Once AOL is reinstalled and working correctly make sure you create a backup of waol.exe, such as zipping it in the folder where it's located.

Ok, so far so good. I haven't got the 'runtime error' yet.

Glad it seems like you got it fixed.

Glad it seems like you got it fixed.


Yes, and thank you again! :)