hi - awesome program - recently, been getting 2 errors every time after successfully using cc, when closing it afterwards: RUNTIME ERROR R6025 - pure vital function call & (after clicking on OK for that error message): Critical Error CCleaner.exe - Application Error - the exception unknown software exception (0x40000015) occurred in the application 0x0045965e - click OK to terminate program

again, it works fine, these erros happen when closing it

reinstalled VB6 runtimes, as well as reinstalled cc; also tried other older versions with same result; also, reformated hd & did clean reinstall of XP Pro SP3

help, please?


Peace, Love, & Success


hey, all - problem fixed - guess it had us all stumped cause so many reads & no replies (lol)

turns out it was another app conflicting, "sedeko badges' from "" - uninstalled, and now no more erros

thanks again for great app

Peace, Love, & Success


Thanks for posting back with the solution alex. That will help others who hit a similar problem.