Running Erunt on Vista startup with UAC

Link to: Automatically Backup Your Windows Vista Registry Daily Using ERUNT

When I installed ERUNT I got the UAC pop up, so I removed the startup item AUTOBACK from the Startup folder.

I did manual backups when I remembered too, until today. B)

The only thing I added was the command line switch /days:3 at the end of the Add arguments (optional) text box.

%SystemRoot%\ERDNT\AutoBackup\#Date# sysreg otherusers /noconfirmdelete /noprogresswindow /days:3

ERUNT AUTOBACK is set for 30 days which is to many for me.

The number of restore folders to keep can be changed using the /days:n

command line switch, e.g. /days:7 would only keep the folders from the

last 7 backup days.

I also cleared all boxes under conditions.