Running Cleaner as Elavated and Non - Ela


First post here :)


Running Win 7 Ultimate x64

Running Firefox (Not Elevated) under normal userid (Not Elevated)

Running (Not Elevated) CCleaner Analyse, CCleaner gives me the following message

"You must close Firefox / Mozilla"

This is the expected behavior

Now the following Situation.

Running Firefox (Not Elevated) under normal userid (Not Elevated)

Running (Elevated) CCleaner Analyse, CCleaner gives me the following message

"You must close Firefox / Mozilla"

However Firefox is NOT running under the Elevated User Account, but only under the Normal Userid

(In Taskmanager it only shows 1 32 Bits Firefox under the Non Elevated User Id

Expected behavior would be the cleaning of the Firefox Profile under the Elevated Userid

Just wanted your guys opinion on this



Windows 7 Run As Admin (elevated) is not a different user account. It's the same user account given permission temporaraly and only through the elevated program and it's children.

Ccleaner to be effective needs to be elevated. If what you were saying was correct, firefox and many other programs would never be cleaned at all.

Windows 7 Run As Admin (elevated) is not a different user account. It's the same user account given permission temporaraly and only through the elevated program and it's children.

Why is it then that (when I run CCleaner Elevated (and Firefox is not running), it shows Firefox files cleaned under that elevated user id Profile and not under the Userid I'm logged in with ?

Ccleaner to be effective needs to be elevated. If what you were saying was correct, firefox and many other programs would never be cleaned at all.

Agree 100% on this 1