Why does ccleaner clean everything with just 3 swipes after 3-5 seconds but when setting it on 35 swipes it takes forever to complete at times? PS I do not have MFT checked off as well. Thanks
Why does ccleaner clean everything with just 3 swipes after 3-5 seconds but when setting it on 35 swipes it takes forever to complete at times? PS I do not have MFT checked off as well. Thanks
IMHO? Give up on the 35 passes vince.
The most you're achieving is prematurely wearing your drive out.
This is a long debated point and one I've no intentions of going into, but under normal circumstances a one pass secure delete will do the trick.
Down to personal choice of course, but that's my suggestion.
I think another key factor is the Gutmann method was designed for systems made in 1996. Thats a long time ago.
Unless you're running a printer, then the hardware and software are probably just about the same (and as terrible) as they were in 96