Running CCleaner as Admin won't show some items in Startup Configuration

Im not sure whether this topic already exists. I've tried to find a solution on Google and this Forums and found nothing, so I decided to open up a new topic.

As the startup sais, CCleaner won't show some items in 'Startup'-tab when i run it as Administrator, whereas it is shown when i run it as a normal user ( but without the permission to disable it ofcourse... ).

I also tried msconfig, but they aren't shown there too.

Im running CCleaner v 5.02.5101 ( 64-bit ). Here are two screenshots showing what i mean.

I've marked some items that disappear when i run CCleaner as Admin.

As User:


As Admin:


I hope someone knows a solution because I'd like to disable some of these processes.

Windows version?

Sorry, I'm a bit late. WIndows 7 Professional 64 bit

I'm wondering why the language is changing too.

Run as User and it's English, Run as Admin and it's German.

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling with English as the default language?

How does the list of processes change when run from Safe Mode when run as User or Admin?

The screenshots don't show on my end. What language is the preferred for CCleaner to run? If you only want English only you can delete the language files installed in the CCleaner folder.

I will try to reinstall and will post back when I'm at home the next days.

I'm not sure why it's in different language for user and administrator. In fact, I didn't even notice.

Just an idea - could it be that the list does not show entries that have been installed "for this user only", when ran as administrator?