ccleaner can be configured to run in vista and windows 7 without a prompt from user account control by doing the below steps. Can the next version of ccleaner have this method addapted in it as an option so that on the start up cleaning you are not prompted for the uac permission but you can leave uac turned on?
1. Open the Start Menu, then type taskschd.msc in the search line and press enter.
NOTE: This will open Task Scheduler. This file is located at:
2. In the far right pane, click on Create task.
3. Under the General tab, type in the "Name" of the program you want to create this shortcut for.
NOTE: This will be the name of the task. As an example, I will use CCleaner for that program. Make note of this
name, you will need it later in step 12 below.
4. Check the Run with highest privileges box.
5. Click on the Actions tab, then on the New button.
6. Under "Action", select Start a program and click on the Browse button.
7. Navigate to the .exe file of the program that you want to create this shortcut for, then select it and click on
8. Click on OK.
9. Click on OK.
10. You will now see your new task created with the name (ex: CCleaner) you gave it in step 3. Close Task
11. Right click on a empty area of the desktop, then click on New and Shortcut.
12. Type in schtasks /run /tn task-name for the location, then click on the Next button.
Subsitute task-name with the name that you used in step 3 and see in step 10 (ex:
For a Name without Spaces - For example, type:
schtasks /run /tn CCleaner
For a Name with Spaces - You will need to have quotes around the name if it has
spaces. For example, type:
schtasks /run /tn "Cleaner Program"
13. Type in a name you want for the shortcut (ex: CCleaner), then click on the Finish button.
14. Right click on the new shortcut (ex: CCleaner) on the desktop, then click on Properties.
15. Click on the Shortcut tab and on the Change Icon button.
16. Click on OK.
17. Click on the Browse button.
18. Navigate to the .exe file of the program that you have created this shortcut with, then select it and click on
NOTE: If you have a icon of your own that you would prefer to use instead, then navigate to where you have that
icon saved at instead.
19. Select the icon you want for the shortcut, then click on OK.
20. Click on OK.
21. Move the shortcut to where you like for easy use.
22. When you run this new elevated shortcut, you will now no longer have to click on YES to approve the UAC
prompt to allow the program run as administrator.