You introduced an annoying run time user interface bug in your current release. In release V5.66.7716 and all prior releases, after selecting "Run cleaner", the box warning that it would delete things came up and "do you wish to continue?". The screen was set that "continue" was the assumed selection, so pressing "enter" ran Ccleaner. But in v5.70.7909 and the immediately preceding release, "continue" is no longer the assumed selection. Instead, the words in the box now have a black background. And now I have to use the mouse and manually select the "continue" box, instead of just pressing "enter". Please fix this annoying user interface bug.
Thanks, this is a known issue and will be fixed soon.
I would have thought that having to select Continue, rather than making it default, would be an extra safety step in the warning?
TBH if you tick that "Do not show this message again" then it doesn't ask at all and you don't have to even press Enter everytime.
The default is the ENTER key. Just pressing it with a finger is simpler and easier than having to take a mouse,
move it ttto the right box and clicking it.
Not selecting "Do not show this message again" is an extra safey step that I wan't to keep
P.S. There's a problem replying here as the letter "t" is intermittently being dropped and added, as you can see
Not seeing a problem with "t" or any other letter here.
The software that the forum runs in has just been upgraded so I'll keep an eye out, but it may just be a sticky key on your keyboard?
It happens sometimes that the contact under the key sticks for a moment, and so it thinks you are holding the key down.
Sometimes it's the switch failing, sometimes it's just gunk that got in there and can be cleaned.
(Once spilled 1/4 a bottle of Jack Daniels on a bar laptop in the pub when changing the bottle on optic, sticky keys galore and a waste of Bourbon - Coke or any other sugary drink will do the same).
Thanks for keeping an eye on it. I've attached a screenshot of my above append circling some of the "t" examples - both missing and extra. It's not happening today in this append so it's apparently all better and working OK..
Quote<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> It's not happening today in<em> this</em> append so it's apparently all better and working OK. </p> </div>
It was probably just a sticking key then, which has now worked itself free again.
(Bit of grit/muck down the side of the key which has now fallen out? It's amazing what muck you can find under some keyboards, hair, nail clippings, and worse).
If it happens again try rapidly tapping the key a dozen or so times to see if it frees up.