Run Time error?

I downloaded the latest version of CCleaner... I run the analyzer and after a minute or two of the progress bar moving I am getting the following error message:

Run Time Error '6'


My PC is a Pentium 4, 1.5Ghz, 1Gb RAM. Available free space on my HD is only 3.5Gb which is why I am trying to clean stuff off my system. OS is Windows 2000 Pro with all service packs and updates. Any idea what the problem is?

Did you try the VB6 Runtimes?

Did you try the VB6 Runtimes?

Nope... I'm new here so maybe you could clue me in?

Download: Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Runtime Files SP6

Reboot after installation even if you aren't prompted to do so, then try CCleaner again.