Welcome to Piriform dolby.
While using run cleaner, the analyze feature only scans a few files and then suddenly stops. I try to run analze and it continues to come to a stop after going through a few files. I wonder if this might have something to do with my hard drive. I mention this because I typically run a scandisk every couple of weeks and I noticed that I often have to aide the the scan process along when a caption pops up. The said caption reads "have tried to run scandisk 10 times but won't proceed;" this is when I press the ok button and the scan would continue. Upon scan completion I'm told that either all errors were found/fixed or no errors were found. I'm constantly having to struggle with either one of these readings. I don't even know if their accurate. So I'm left to assume that I either have a bad hard drive or something is interferring with whatever I'm tryin to run. So if you'd be so kind , what would you suggest I do to get a trully thorough CCleaner scan. If its of any help I'm using windows millennium.
What you will find when you do a scandisk is processes are still running in the background. This happens to me on Win98SE. If I close everything visible and do a Windows scanisk it trys to check it 10 times then you get the message can't scandisk, I've tried 10 times but prossesses are running, do you want to retry?
I do a CTRL+ALT+DEL and iexplore is still running, I End Task it then it will scandisk without a problem.
Now depending what you have installed on your system you don't need unecessary apps running all the time. Why, because every app running uses memory which is Windows resources which makes other functions slow down.
How much memory have you installed?
Do a restart and do a CTRL+ALT+DEL at your desktop with nothing obvious running and list the number of processes running, on Win98SE I have
Explorer (Windows Graphical Shell, taskbar, start menu, desktop, File Manager) - Needed don't End Task.
Systray (process information for Microsoft System Tray Services) - Needed don't End Task.
Rnaapp (Dial-Up Networking Application) - Needed.
Loadqm (Microsoft QMgr, is used for MSN Messenger) - Not really needed.
Stimon Still Image Monitor - is a Universal Serial Bus (USB) scanning device is successfully enumerated.
You will also have your virus-checker running all the time, why that beats me. If you aren't on the web why do you need it running all the time because depending on which system your using these can use a lot of system resources.
I made a memory checker program which checks the total memory and available memory. Now if I have that running and I End Task apps I can see have much memory I have recovered. I've posted this memory app on here if you're interested.
Now to be truthful I never really Analyze. I have used it a couple of times just to see what it shows but there isn't much you can do about it. There are no checkboxes that you can select and clean those items only, so just run a clean. The Analyze will take quite a long time to run whereas Clean takes a few seconds, depending how often you use it.
Now in the 3 years I've been using CCleaner on Win98SE I've never had any holdups, snags or errors. ![;)]()