"Run CCleaner when the computer starts" Doesn't Work

I have the latest version. It worked before. The option to "Run CCleaner when the computer starts" doesn't work. I check it, close out, and when I go back in, it's unchecked as if I never checked it.

What OS version are you using?

What OS version are you using?

My operating system is Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit and my version of CCleaner is 3.02.1343 (64-bit).

Running win7 home premium (7600) 64 bit and ccleaner 3.02.1343

I was not able to reproduce this

It sounds like you are not approving the UAC is this the case?

How do I approve the UAC?

Click yes in the UAC prompt when starting CCleaner (i.e. run ccleaner as admin which is the default for ccleaner).


Often CCleaner will not start with the modern OS's (do to the need of the UAC acceptance), but that is not your issue here. Your issue, as far as I can read it, is that you are trying to save a setting and it won't take. This leads me to the thought that you are running the program without the proper needed permissions (to write to the registry, or if you are saving settings in INI, to write to the program files directory). UAC acceptence is required (as well) for both those actions.

Click yes in the UAC prompt when starting CCleaner (i.e. run ccleaner as admin which is the default for ccleaner).


Often CCleaner will not start with the modern OS's (do to the need of the UAC acceptance), but that is not your issue here. Your issue, as far as I can read it, is that you are trying to save a setting and it won't take. This leads me to the thought that you are running the program without the proper needed permissions (to write to the registry, or if you are saving settings in INI, to write to the program files directory). UAC acceptence is required (as well) for both those actions.

There is only one user on the machine, and it is me, and it says Administrator, Password Protected by my name. See attached screen shot at http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/1424/clipboard1k.jpg .

I don't get a UAC prompt when starting CCleaner.

Does CCleaner have to be in the Start Up folder to run at start up?

Any other ideas?

Have you tried uninstalling CCleaner and then re-installing it?

Maybe save your settings to an INI file (Options->Advanced->Save all settings to INI file) and then running it.

Did you turn off UAC

Please remember that being an administrator user has NOTHING to do with what I am talking about. UAC is Operating System Best Practice and stops Malware from being able to effectivly mess with your settings.

CCleaner not triggering UAC makes me think that you turned off UAC if so please turn it back on and test the issue.

Did you turn off UAC

Please remember that being an administrator user has NOTHING to do with what I am talking about. UAC is Operating System Best Practice and stops Malware from being able to effectivly mess with your settings.

CCleaner not triggering UAC makes me think that you turned off UAC if so please turn it back on and test the issue.

I did disable UAC, but I did that the first day I got my computer and it's worked fine before. I see a new version is available, so I'll try uninstalling. Thanks.