My registry was corrupted and I did a Win Vista repair, when i logged back in my entire user folder was gone. Desktop, Favorite, Documents, Pics, Music, teh whole deal. It was replaced with a user file called TEMP. I'm hoping recuva can get some of my data back.
I installed it on a thumbdrive and started it a few hours ago. I selected hidden files, non-deleted files, deep scan, just about everything. I also selected all file types and treeview.
It ran ok until 8%. Now it's been at 8% and 133209 files found for about 3 hours now. No move in Percentage or Number of files. Is that normal behavior? It's a thinkpad laptop with a 160GB (142 in this partition) drive.
I don't mind leaving it run all night, i just want to make sure i'm not wasting time if it's really hung up. Thanks
Just an FYI to anyone reading this thread with similar questions.
It ran fine if I was just patient enough. I checked every box and did my entire 160GB drive. It took about 15 hours to run. I'm running on a T61 thinkpad with 2GB of RAM and teh file is running off of a usb thumbdrive. Then I restored every file it found onto an external usb 2.0 HD and it took about 2 days to finish grabbing everything.
So if you just wait it will finish running.
So far I've had mixed results on the recovery. My MOST IMPORTANT file was ok, my 1.7GB .pst file. Thank you recuva! Most text files seem to be ok but almost every excel file and one note file i've tried to open is corrupted or isn't working. The .pst kind of repairs itself when you open it and I wonder if that helped with the recover, adn if i've actually lost anything in it but haven't realized it yet. Not sure.