

My OS is W98SE.

Running Cc in Registry mode shows this entry:

Prob: Missing Shared DLL

Data: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\rtclib.dll

Registry Key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Shared DLLs

Can't find this rtclib.dll file on my computer or the internet.

Does anyone know anything about this file?


Most likely a leftover reg entry from an uninstalled or updated program. Couple of links for you:

found via Google


Uninstalled or disabled any of the MS applications?

Most likely a leftover reg entry from an uninstalled or updated program.

Thanks Tarq57,

My Google search didn't find those links or anything usable at all.

Uninstalled or disabled any of the MS applications?

Yes, MSN Messenger for one.

I'm going to save a .txt copy of the rtclib.dll registry entry ( to restore if necessary) and then delete it from the registery.

I added the Spyware link to my Favorites, great site!

Thanks again.


Welcome to Piriform trhall.

I use Win98SE and I have rtclib.dll on my system.

RTC User Agent DLL, 4.2.4949.1074 built by: QFE

Something installled it last September.

If you can't find it on your system let CCleaner remove the registry info. ;)


Sorry I didn't get back sooner.

Yes, I found out from Tarq57's links that the rtclib.dll is used in the installer for various programs and then used CCleaner to delete the orphaned entry.

Thanks for the reply.



System Info.

AMD K6-2 500Mhz

Windows 98SE

128Mb Ram


Ok trhall.

It appears we have similar system spec only I have four times more memory. ;)


System Info.

AMD K6-2 500Mhz

Windows 98SE

128Mb Ram