Royale Noir Themes

Found a couple of new Royal Themes( Vista). I also replaced my cursors and the MS Startup and Shutdown sounds with the new vista ones.

I also replaced my cursors and the MS Startup and Shutdown sounds with the new vista ones.

From where?

From where?

There are folders inside the shell folder of the Royal Noir Vista containing cursors/sounds etc. I used my old icon packager program to replace the cursors with and copied the Vista sounds to C/windows/media folder then used the sound panel in Control Panel to replace the startup and shutdown sounds. Those 2 sounds along with logon an logoff were the only thing I could find different then the XP sounds I already had. Sorry I didn't post that info just got off a 14 hr. shift on the way back to do another one in a few hours.

UPDATE: You can download the Self-Extracting file run it and it will add the Vista cursors and sounds along with the Black and Blue theme. The wallpaper sucks but O well cant have everything.