I run a fairly standard Dell computer with XP which has had almost no problems. Same with using Roxio's Creator V8 & V9. Alas, I spent the bucks to upgrade it to V10. It will run when I do a clean install .. but will never again open unless I do another clean install.
In dialog with Roxio, they seem convinced that something is removed from the registry which is needed by the software. The only cleaner I use is yours so hope you can look into this.
I've used CCleaner for a long time and totally please. Now it seems "one or the other" unless you can do a fix or otherwise advise.
Thanks for the great software .. am sure the problem is theirs but yours seems to kick some things out that are needed!
Where does CC come in to your procedure? Do you install Roxio V10, then run it and it's OK, then without running CC Roxio won't open again, or do you install Roxio V10, and then run CC, and then Roxio won't open again?
Does Roxio run fine as long as you don't run CC?
If you're running CC, do you do any registry cleaning or just file cleaning? What CC options are you using?
Thanks for responding. There's been some family health issues so have not tracked things as well as ideal, but here's what I know...
For the past year or so I've regularly run a "one button checkup" from an old Norton SystemWorks 2005 (don't use ANY of the rest of it!) and then I run both parts of CCleaner... i.e. also the reg cleaner part. I have never had any problems whatever with any software, loved CCleaner since it seemed to keep my system running very well along with Diskkeeper. Long ago I stopped all extraneous programs and mainly run Office, Firefox, Act, Skype, Quickbooks, etc.. ... none of the junk I used to run.... mainly stuff for my home business and personal contacts.
So, Roxio Creator V8 & v9 all survived this arrangement and were useful in making CD copies that were work related since I could make images .. or I would not even use it. When I "bought" the hype that the new version had advangatges and upgrade cheap, I bought it. When I first loaded v10 it would not run at all until I then followed their directions for getting rid of all the old versions for a clean install. Seems like poorly written software that is a whole bunch of parts loosely strung together.
After a clean install, it worked once. I suspect that I then automatically ran both the Norton and the CCleaner reg cleaners as has been my habit for at least a year or two. Then V10 would not even open. So, probably one of the two is taking something out ..... I guess Roxio was sloppy nor maybe Norton or CCleaner was inappropriately removing something.
Right now I have everything cleaned out and am about to consider another install. Any further suggestions? I'd really love to know EXACTLY what was causing the issue to I felt OK running the rest of these two .. or maybe just eliminating the Norton and using CCleaner exclusively .. again, if I knew which entries were the problem and could be careful not to eliminate them.
Any help from others for from CCleaner itself would be most helpful. Many thanks in advance ...robert