right click context menu in Windows. Is it possible to add an item?

or more specifically, the context menu you see when you highlight a file, folder etc in Windows. The menu has various options, including one titled "Send To", then there is a sub menu with various options. Is it possible to add an item to this sub menu? I back up and copy to disk all my important files and folders at least once a week. However every night I copy the files etc I use to a folder I have titled "Backup". Once a week I then copy this folder to disk. At the moment, to get the files and folders to this Backup folder I have to use the copy and paste method. Ideally I would love to be able to use the Send To option, if I could add this Backup folder to that sub menu.

Does anyone know if it is possible and if so could you tell me how to do it?

You can mess with the context menu but make sure you first make a System Restore point to undo any mishaps. Most applications I've seen use some form of registration to validate that they can be in the context menu, etc.

Although the best solution in my opinion of copying files without any fuss is to just construct a good ole' batch file that will do all the copying, loading of a CD burning app, etc. It's what I've been doing, and no any so-called backup software is nearly as fast or thorough as what I've made by hand.

I'm sure that I've noticed freeware descriptions featuring that ability. I've linked a great app for removing items though!


How to add items to the 'Send to' menu: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/s...sendtomenu.mspx ;)

How to add items to the 'Send to' menu: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/s...sendtomenu.mspx ;)
Thank You! That's exactly what I was after. I searched the Microsoft database and couldn't find anything...
I'm sure that I've noticed freeware descriptions featuring that ability. I've linked a great app for removing items though!


I like ShellExView, I was finally able to take some of WMP's shell-crap out of the context menu for my music files. ;)