I've run into some problems that I think came from the massive "dump" after I "ran the cleaner" after analyzing my comp using CC. I followed the directions for restoring my backup file, but when I click "Merge," it says that it cannot b/c that file is being used by another program! HELP!!
Hi Bill,
Welcome to the forums !!!
Before restoring, did you do the following ?
Run Registry Issues until no more issues are found. Some users do not know to do this.
You must Reboot after doing all these changes to the registry.
You may find that things are OK now.
Exit all other programs. Then try Merge again.
Make sure that you restore in reverse order that the Issues backups were created.
Merge Backup 3, then Backup 2, then Backup 1. The backups are time stamped.
Good luck, davey