
Why does CCleaner wipe out all restore points? I had to disable then enable Restore to get it to work again, but all my previous restore points are GONE!! Help


CCleaner is not designed to wipe restore points.

I wish CCleaner would clean up old Restore Points, but it doesn't. I have to do it manually about once a month (using Windows Disk Cleanup tool).

I wish CCleaner would clean up old Restore Points, but it doesn't. I have to do it manually about once a month (using Windows Disk Cleanup tool).

If you don't want restore points, you can disable System Restore functionality in Windows, I think.

But you shouldn't disable it, and you shouldn't delete restore points, because restore points can be very very helpful if something goes wrong...

I don't want to hijack this thread into a discussion over Restore Points. I just wanted to confirm your statement that CCleaner does not erase old Restore Points, even though some users would like it to do so.

(For some reason I get over a dozen Restore Points a week, which takes up a lot of disk space. So I do have to clean up manually from time to time. But I certainly want to keep at least one good Restore Point, which usually is the latest.)

(For some reason I get over a dozen Restore Points a week, which takes up a lot of disk space. So I do have to clean up manually from time to time. But I certainly want to keep at least one good Restore Point, which usually is the latest.)

I know using windows defender can cause multiple restore points to be made. Info and a couple of workarounds here

I knew it was WD, but I had forgotten about that thread in; thanks for reminding me!

Thanks to Hazelnut for that link about controlling System Restore Points in Windows Defender! I was getting two or three each day from WD and occasional notices that SR was running out of space even. I implemented the fix (that is, defining DisableRestorePoint) and since then I have had just one such and that not from WD. Very useful tweak imho. There should be a controlling option in WD itself (like there is in Registry Mechanic, for instance).