Restore settings and preferences

Is there a way to back up/copy my settings? i.e to save having to input the long list of cookies to keep, cleaner preferences on another pc.

Yup, just copy the CCleaner configuration settings file from CCleaners program files folder ;)

Yup, just copy the CCleaner configuration settings file from CCleaners program files folder ;)

I have 3 .ini files in that folder




Do I just simply copy and paste all?

I have 3 .ini files in that folder




Do I just simply copy and paste all?

No, the CCleaner one (it's called CCleaner.ini)

EDIT: The cc in the filename is lower case, for some reason the forum seems to change the cc to upper case whether you want it or not <_<

Actually CCleaner saves all its settings in the registry.

Run: Regedit and look for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner\Options. If you select the Options Key name then select Registry\Export Registry File... from the main menu. Then just give that file a name e.g. CCleaner Settings.reg. Then all you have to do is copy this file to your other machine and double-click on it. Select Yes when asked if you want transfer CCleaner.reg to the registry. <_<

Hi Good People,

I think the method suggested by JDPower is the preferred way to keep it portable.

:) davey

Hi Good People,

I think the method suggested by JDPower is the preferred way to keep it portable.

:) davey

No I think my way I better. I don't have a CCleaner.ini so I don't know where he has that from. <_<

Hello Keithuk,

The more a wise person knows the more he realizes how much more there is to know.

The only certainty is change.

I suggest you tick the option to save settings to .ini file in CCleaner Options > Advanced..

To get a more complete picture tick all the options there are in CCleaner.

EXIT the program without doing anything.

Now look in CCleaner folder for CCleaner.ini .It may be hidden.

Now run CCleaner again and set all the settings as you want them.

Exit CCleaner.

Now look into that CCleaner.ini folder.There are all your settings neatly sorted.

Copy that and use it on the other computer.

PORTABLE . No need to mess with the other computers Registry.

:) davey

Thanks to JDPower for his advice and extensive experience.

Plus thanks to all the Moderators and Power Members for their advice and assistance.

I don't have a CCleaner.ini so I don't know where he has that from. <_<

CCleaner options>advanced>save all settings to INI file.

I know you can choose to use the CCleaner.ini or the registry but the registry option suits me best. <_<

I would like to thank everyone that has replied to my question. Both solutions work just great :D but to be honest though, the .ini option is the quickest and easiest option in my opinion, especially if you need to transfer your settings from a non bootable drive wish is still accessable as a slave drive or in a external caddy.

Thanks again!!!

But to use the CCleaner.ini on the other computer you would have to select this option in the Advance section. Then close CCleaner and copy the ini file over. <_<

But to use the CCleaner.ini on the other computer you would have to select this option in the Advance section. Then close CCleaner and copy the ini file over. <_<

As opposed to opening regedit, navigating to the key, exporting, transferring over and merging back into registry. Seriously, there's not much in it is there, and certainly less room for error with the ini option (for anyone not comfortable with the registry). Personally the ini option works for me as I have it permanently ticked and include the CCleaner.ini in backups and settings/cookies are saved.