restore registry at prompt?

I think I want to restore my Registry cleaned with CCleaner but my Windows 2000 will not boot. I can get to a W2K prompt with its (4) emergency boot diskettes and its Recovery Console. The console is limited with what programs can be run and I'd guess CCleaner is one that can't be run. But if it can run, any way to run the registry restore since I can not right click on the backup file?

I can't really offer any advice on your situation. However in the future do yourself a favour and install the free ERUNT which can restore your registry.

Hi Rod B, and welcome to piriform forums.

I concur with Andavari regarding Erunt. It has come in handy many times for me.

If you can navigate to the .reg backup file for CCleaner, try double clicking on it and select yes.

The default location for the backup is My Documents. The restore will be done by Windows registry editor.

I think I want to restore my Registry cleaned with CCleaner but my Windows 2000 will not boot. I can get to a W2K prompt with its (4) emergency boot diskettes and its Recovery Console. The console is limited with what programs can be run and I'd guess CCleaner is one that can't be run. But if it can run, any way to run the registry restore since I can not right click on the backup file?

Hi Rod

Welcome to the forum

If your windows 2000 can not boot why would you want to restore a registry backup made by ccleaner.

CCleaner doesn't make this kind of damage.

Try to boot in safe mode then run ccleaner and disable everything from startup.

I had a similar problem with a laptop a friend brought me.

It didn't boot and this is how I solved it.

If this doesn't work then try repairing the windows installation.


Thanks, all. ERUNT sounds great; I'll be sure to use it in the future.

Cleaning my registry with CCleaner was one of the more recent things I did before I lost boot capabilities -- though I wouldn't guess it was the problem; I suspect a virus or the typical Windows system file corruption.

My only access is through WIN2000 Recovery Console which gives you highly restricted use and all use is by typing commands at a prompt -- no dbl click or right click or left click. I can not directly boot in any mode.

I've gone ahead working with the win2000 repair operation with its 4-5 diskettes (my CD is not bootable), tried all options to no avail -- though did confirm that my registry is corrupt (SYSTEM at least) after replacing a bunch of system files (from the original W2K; reinstalling SP4 will be needed later). I'm now at the last option: a new install and holding while I contemplate the ramifications of installing over WINNT versus to a new folder. I'm trying to save as much of regular stuff that I can, especially working programs (I have a complete backup of all directories and files including the current system warts which I'd like to avoid having to use), and the Microsoft message with installing over the current install is typical ominous; says it deletes damn-near everything (??)... including My Documents of all really stupid things!

So, CCleaner restore was a long shot (which I had to take) that didn't pan out. But thanks for listening and the help.

Let us know how you get on Rod.

Good luck

the Microsoft message with installing over the current install is typical ominous; says it deletes damn-near everything (??)... including My Documents of all really stupid things!

If you do decide to go the dreaded format and reinstall everything root as a last ditch attempt you may be able to save your important files using a Linux distro bootable CD/DVD.

It also wouldn't hurt in the future to grab the free BartPE since your Win2k doesn't have System Restore. BartPE is a bootable CD which would at least allow you to upload files to a free file hosting service such as MediaFire using the built-in Firefox browser for later retrieval - beats losing everything.

If you do decide to go the dreaded format and reinstall everything root as a last ditch attempt you may be able to save your important files using a Linux distro bootable CD/DVD.

Yeah! :) I just remembered.

Hey Rod you can use Avira's Rescue System if you want to safe your stuff.

I've never used it but I sure trust this guys.

Here's a link. Here's another one.

I quote from them:

Avira AntiVir Rescue System

The Avira AntiVir Rescue System a linux-based application that allows accessing computers that cannot be booted anymore. Thus it is possible to repair a damaged system, to rescue data or to scan the system for virus infections. Just double-click on the rescue system package to burn it to a CD/DVD. You can then use this CD/DVD to boot your computer. The Avira AntiVir Rescue System is updated several times a day so that the most recent security updates are always available.