Restore Points


i,m facing recently this problem .i, m using cclener since 6 years but this is the 1st time of that problem.

No restore point seen in ccleaner! (restore points present/confermed in windows >system tools >system restore).but not seen in cclener relevant window.

let me know that ,is this problem, due to setting in ccleaner? or... a bug?

thanks in anticipation.

Not sure. I'm seeing all my restore points when I bring them up in CCleaner.

I am having this same problem with the latest version of CCleaner.

Windows XP Pro SP3

I tend to believe that CCleaner does have this issue with Windows XP and it seems that it hasn't been resolved yet.

I've experienced the same problem with the latest release of CCleaner (v3.02.1343) and Windows XP SP3. Although System Restore was showing previous Restore Points, CCleaner was reporting none. The work around I found so far was to turn off System Restore and then turn it back on again to clear the previous Restore Points. CCleaner will then start recording the Restore Points.

I have no problem with Windows XP Home edition + SP3 and CCleaner (v3.02.1343).

CCleaner sees exactly the same R.P. with the same date and time stamps as Windows System Restore.


Windows XP SP3, and CCleaner picks up my Restore Points fine.

It could be one of these odd XP glitches which pop up occasionally. Turning it off and on again as mentioned by Majestic, would be worth a try as long as your pc is running fine and your happy with all your installations.

EDIT: Alternatively, you could try an earlier version of CCleaner to see what happens. (All previous versions)

I'm seeing the same issue as well. Twice in 1 week now.....

I'm seeing the same issue as well. Twice in 1 week now.....

How did it happen twice ?

That implies the issue occurred and then was corrected and then occurred a second time.

It would be very helpful if you identified whether it mysteriously corrected itself without you knowing why,

or if and how you corrected it the first time and if that "cure" is no longer effective.



I still have the same problem.

Can you give me a tipp to solve the problem?

Have any of you guys tried the "switch off - switch on" idea, or gone back to a previous version to see if works.

A previous version still picking up Restore Points would be useful info for the devs.