restore help

I used CCleaner and cleaned the registry a couple months ago. Since then my computer is acting up. I made the backup file and tried to merge it but then it says : "Cannot import C:\users\kim\documents\cc_20100422_153850.reg: The specific file is not a registry script. You can only import binary registry files from within the registry editor."

I am on windows 7 and would like some help with this please. I used the search but maybe I wasn't using the right words because I couldn't find what I was looking for.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

I tried the regedit editor, import and chose file but get the message "The key will restore on top of the key: computer. All value entries and subkeys of this key will be deleted. Do you want to continue this operation?"

Is this right?

I have experience of Regedit under XP.

That allows me to MERGE a registry file which will put the contents back where they used to be,

it also allows me to IMPORT a HIVE that does NOT know where it came from and needs much more user care,

and if you are not careful you can destroy everything.

I think things are horribly wrong here.

You really ought to use ERUNT to create a registry backup BEFORE doing this,

otherwise you may have to reinstall windows.


beetle, yes overwrite is correct. Regedit needs admin (UAC) privilages so that maybe is why merge did not work.

Hopefully you did your cleaning in little bits, if not next time do it that way so as not to need to overwrite as much.