Requesting Save Session in case of program stop responding

I'm sure people request this feature before and with their own reason.

I'm requesting this because Recuva failed to run after a few recoveries. I do my recovery little by little. I'm guessing it stop because it was idle for awhile if I forget to check and ones I marked to recover are completed. I don't do the recovery all at once due to some reasons. One of the main reasons is the space. I want to make sure I have enough space on the drive I'm recovering it to.

It took nearly a day to deep scan a 3TB HDD only use for storage. I formated it by mistake so it took a long time for it to go through the 3 stage process before I can recover it. I wouldn't be requesting this feature if I didn't have to deep scan it again because Recuva fail to continue after idling. This happen twice already. If there was a save session to resume, I won't have to spend another day just for a re-scan.

Again, this is a storage drive and there will be no writing to it while trying to recover it first. I only want to use the save session if something goes wrong like Recuva crashing (happen twice). Right now, I'm about to scan again and will take another day just to continue where I last left off recovering.

If the recovery drive somehow write hiddlen files, add freeze feature if possible to prevent drive from writing until all recoveries are complete.
