It'd be nice to have a reporting feature. Something along the lines of what was deleted and a time stamp. The ability of append or write over the old log. Where to put the log file and to possibly name it after the machine name or users name.
It'd be nice to have a reporting feature. Something along the lines of what was deleted and a time stamp. The ability of append or write over the old log. Where to put the log file and to possibly name it after the machine name or users name.
Something like
Yeah but wouldn't that just create well "logs" what CCleaner is actually removing from programs.
Yeah but wouldn't that just create well "logs" what CCleaner is actually removing from programs.
Not exactly. That's why it'd have an option of where to put the logs. In an organization you want your machines to be clean but you also want the ability to appease auditors like the FDIC or HIPAA for compliancy.
That's why you shouldn't delete server logs either.
Perhaps I'm asking too much. Guess I'll have to find a pay for app to do the same thing. Sucks for me.
Or, maybe, there's a hidden reporting feature! I mean it does show what your cleaning when you analyze, right? So it shouldn't be too hard to implement I would imagine.
I'd write a program to do it myself, but I love CCleaner and would like to use it instead.
Sort of but not automatted like what you're asking for.
In the Cleaner window click Analyze, then right click and use: Save to text file...
Thanks Andavari,
I do wish there was a way to save this data. That's the only thing keeping me from deploying CCleaner in our environment. I'm tempted to write my own app to do this but I figure other organizations would benefit from this feature as well.