in the last few days i was thinking about german translations/corrections etc. of ccleaner... especially the difference between scheduling and smart cleaning and its names and suitable translations.
i dont know if "smart cleaning" should be stay as a own name/proper name?
smart cleaning translated in german is a very strange name:
"Kluge Bereinigung", "Schlaue Bereinigung", "Clevere Bereinigung", "Smarte Bereinigung"... perhaps "Intelligente Bereinigung". but its not a good name/title to choise for a cleaning-option.
smart cleaning is not "smarter" as "scheduling"
-> the big difference i mean is
scheduling = timebased / specific day or week or month cleaning ... (as far as i know and guess with custom clean-settings)
smart cleaning = volume/accumulation of amount junk-files to a specific limit of this and/or notification-option before cleaning -perhaps also with custom clean-settings? or only ticked browsers with browser-settings from custom clean-settings + windows-temp-folder-cleaning + user-profile-temp-cleaning?)
in this context i have a suggetion for another name/title for this cleaning-option in ccleaner. ?
Pro Active Cleaning --> how think you about this name? i mean that is a much better name / description and can express / describe the actual function behind it much better.
another example: Pro Active Data Protection or Pro Active Privacy Protection or what can you imagination what is possible in english?
or perhaps a similar name <---- what do you think? (devs, mods, all users of ccleaner...)
everything is better as "smart cleaning" <--- it says all and nothing about cleaning.
all other terms are fine and desribe the sense behind of the main-buttons like custom clean, health check, registry, options, scheduling, disk analyzer etc. --- but smart cleaning ... say... i dont know. also in the german translation says nothing specific
i hope that the developers find a new nice title for this cleaning category <- sorry for that work ? i think the devs have enough other work to do instead of names/titles-finding ?
but i think its necessary and important for exact terms/names
Protection in the name may not be good either because some people already confuse CCleaner as being some sort of anti-malware/anti-virus software which it isn't.
Proactive -> if ticked it runs always in the background
privacy -> cleaning ticked browserdatas (with custom clean settings but i dont know...) eventually with windows-temp and profil-temp folder by reaching the choosed data-limit