rename recycle bin

Hello (sorry for my english: i'm french).

I installed ccleaner and it changed the name of the recycle bin into "ccleaner131 (1)". I've changed the options, uninstalled, installed again, restaures the desktop settings, tried everything, and nothing works, the name remains the same.

What sould i do to get the normal name?



Welcome to the CCleaner forums!

I don't have the answer to correct your problem. However, it seems rather odd that CCleaner would rename the Recycle Bin. If it did which I highly doubt this would be the first of anyone mentioning it and having that particular problem, however anything is possible.

If your problem is going to be taken serious you need to provide some basic information:

  • Operating system version, and installed service pack.

    e.g.; Windows XP Service Pack 2.

  • CCleaner version you downloaded and installed, and did you get the setup file from
  • Have you used any "tweak" programs, or registry cleaners.


Operating system version: XP

installed service pack: i don't think i have installed Service Pack 2.

CCleaner version: 1.31.325, downloaded here

"tweak" programs, or registry cleaners: bootvis, regcleaner

Thanks to answerme if you have an idea.


I changed the value:

hkey_current_user\sofware\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\clsid\{645ff040 etc.} from "ccleaner131 (1)" to "reclycle bin" and it worked.

I still don't know why it did that.



This regedit code enables a Rename option to appear on the Recycle Bin. Simply open a notepad, paste this code in and Save As... Enable Recycle Rename.reg


Thanks. It works fine.

I still don't know what happened.


Well at least it's fixed!