Removing old backup issues files from my documents folder

evertime i use the clean issues files, it asks me if i want to back them up and i always do. i got to the point where i had about 25 files saved and everything was working fine, so i decided to dumb about 20 of the old files. Well to make a long story short it just kept dublicating them, to the point of when i realized what was happening i had about 15 copies of each. Could someone please tell me how to remove these files, i would greately appreciate it. Thanks

evertime i use the clean issues files, it asks me if i want to back them up and i always do. i got to the point where i had about 25 files saved and everything was working fine, so i decided to dumb about 20 of the old files. Well to make a long story short it just kept dublicating them, to the point of when i realized what was happening i had about 15 copies of each. Could someone please tell me how to remove these files, i would greately appreciate it. Thanks

Where are your backups stored? I hope that I'm misunderstanding what you are saying....

You create a backup, and 15 backups are created??? <_< Please clearify, and add some computer info plus your version of CCleaner. Where are your backups stored, and where are you noticing the copies?

Sorry, for so many questions but that doesn't sound right.

BTW: Welcome :)


Where are your backups stored? I hope that I'm misunderstanding what you are saying....

You create a backup, and 15 backups are created??? <_< Please clearify, and add some computer info plus your version of CCleaner. Where are your backups stored, and where are you noticing the copies?

Sorry, for so many questions but that doesn't sound right.

BTW: Welcome :)


They are stored in the "my documents" folder. What happen was over a period of time i acculumated about 15 different back ups, and sinced my computer was running ok, i thought i would clean them up, but instead of delelting them, it sends the one's i highlight to be deleted to the recycle bin and also duplicates them again in the my documents file. I have about 24 copies of each one now because every time it duplicates one it gives it a number. Thank you

Gosh, I'm sorry but I don't think that I have seen that problem before. <_< Hopefully, someone more knowledgeable will see this.


Gosh, I'm sorry but I don't think that I have seen that problem before. <_< Hopefully, someone more knowledgeable will see this.


Thanks for your help

I just go to My Documents folder and delete them from there. :)

I just go to My Documents folder and delete them from there. :)

Mred has been doing that. That is the problem, instead of the files deleting they are duplicating themselves.

It is very strange and I don't think that it has anything to do with CCleaner.

Mred has been doing that. That is the problem, instead of the files deleting they are duplicating themselves.
Then the HijackThis application should be run and the log placed in the HijackThis log analysis area of this forum to get help with this situation.

By the way, what happens if other files are deleted from the My Documents folder ?


How are you trying to delete the files? After selecting the file(s), are you using the right-click context menu, the File and Folder Tasks menu, the Toolbar > File menu, or the Delete button on your keyboard?

Whichever method you are using, try selecting only one of the problem files and using one of the other methods.