Having read a lot of reviews about alternative anti-vir, firewall software I was just curious.
I've heard that removing Norton and all associates is a real ... pain. (I have Norton for my sins !)
So before I commit to another anti-vir / firewall, I was hoping for some recomendations.
How can I remove Norton completely (I have paid - yea, paid; d'oh - til next march, but i'm not bothered if I can get rid of it completely) - I think I do rememebr uninstalling it before, but it let loads of remnants - is there anyway to 'be-gone' it forever ?
What free(-ish maybe) anti-vir / firewall would u recomend ?
Once you remove Norton from your computer go to and click on start and then click on Search Option and type in Norton. This will bring up all of Norton's files. Click on each one seperatly and delete. Then click on to your recyle bin and empty contents. Then do the same as above but type in symantic. Symantic is a part of Norton as you probably already know. Finally go to My computer in the start up tab, Right click, open, click on C:Hard Drive and open and then right click on Program Files and delete Noton and Symantic files if thet still exist.
I don't have a suggestion for a good free firewall but I highly recommend a free Antivrus Program. Type in the address bar: Bitdefender 8 Free Edtion and install you will be glad you did.