Removing my Secondary Disc Drive?

I currently have two CD drives on my PC, my primary D drive not being very good at all, and quite slow, though my secondary E drive is brilliant, with it being CD/DVD rewritable and faster.

Therefore I cannot see the point of keeping my D drive, but is it simple as just unplugging it (I know the basics nof going around the inside of a PC, though if there are important things I should/shouldn't be doing please tell), or do I have to configure some things to make my E drive my D drive after I've unplugged the drive I don't want anymore, or do I have to do some configuring before I unplug?

All help appreciated.

I would keep it. Its always nice to be able to make a one to one copy of a disc and not have to rip it to the pc first.

Having two is also handy when ripping audio CDs, if one drive can't rip the audio perfectly or has issues the other might allow for a good rip. BTW, I have two internal and one external USB.

No, my primary rubbish drive isn't CD/DVD rewritable, thatw why there no point keeping it. Its also slow, not as fast as my secondary drive.

No, my primary rubbish drive isn't CD/DVD rewritable, thatw why there no point keeping it. Its also slow, not as fast as my secondary drive.


Why not replace it with a newer drive?

You can keep it to be able to copy a disc from the CD directly to the CD/DVD drive if you want to burn a disc without first copy the content of the disk to the harddisk. It reads from one drive, and writes to the other.

However, if you want to remove the drive, that isnt very difficult. Simply, open the case, and unplug the MOLEX contact so the drive wont get any power. Then you can you start the computer and it wont be powered on and it wont be detected, you can leave the IDE cable connected if you wish, if you dont wish, you can disconnect the IDE cable from the CD drive too. But if you dont want leave the drive in the computer, you can unmount it by using screws and psysically de-attach it from the computer.

Oh, be aware that you might void the warranty of your computer, if you open the case.

I've opened it up before.. Will my PC automatically realise that the drive left is the primary one...?


I would almost say wait until you have a replacment drive to put in to then you could just swap the bad one for the new one, but if you just wanted to take it out and have 1 drive in then just make sure the pin config is correct. Your PC should reconize it as the Primary. When you get the secound drive make sure you move the pin on that so the PC knows it should be the sceoundary drive.

If you need to check which is which then just do into bios and see. Before you eremove the old one i would recommend disabling it, or saying there is no drive in your bios options.

Hope this helps


Pin config? Disabling it how?

Ah sorry sort of forgot to explane that.

To change pin configuration, if you look at the back on the drive you will see like 4 or something pins the a little cap on them usally it is defult set to Primary then, next makes it secoundary and so on. The on you want to mkae primary leave on those pin. The other new hard drive you put in make it so the pin over thing is on the next pin over. To disable a drive boot into bios and look for the drive and click on it one on the options is diablabe or set it to none. I would recommend changing the hard drive you want to remoce to none.

Any more qesutions just ask


Hard drive? This is a CD-ROM drive....

:lol: If i said hard drive i ment CD-drive. Either one you can do the same thing with :lol:

Cool, if i get round to it, I'll just make the pins on the secondary drive (at the moment) the same as the primary drive (at the moment), and remove the drive I don't want?

Right :D

Excellent, will get round to doing it.