Removing an "application" under "cleaner"

I have noticed a reference to Yahoo toolbar showing up in the applications section of "cleaner". I do not have Yahoo toolbar. I uninstalled it a long time ago. Is there a way to remove this reference?

Hi, welcome to the forums.

The Detect for the Yahoo Toolbar is


So open Regedit and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo and delete the Companion key, and it should no longer show up in CCleaner :)

Pardom ny ignorance. In regedit, HKCU\Software\Yahoo, I have Companion listed. I also have a seperate folder(?) for Yahoo Partner Toolbar. Any ideas? Have not tried to delete either. Waiting until I hear back.

I would delete the companion folder if your only intent is to remove the entry from CCleaner, I believe the other folder is related to offers or something similar