Removed Important Files

While running through a CCleaner scan, i realized some of the folders and files and removed off my desktop. And when i stopped it, it was too late.

This has never happen to me before. Is there anyway i can restore them? I didn't backup my files so that's not an option.

i'm running v 2.36.1233


Please help. Thanks(:

The version you are using of ccleaner is from last September. The latest version is

What were the files and folders? Had they always been there, or were they ones you were working on?

The version you are using of ccleaner is from last September. The latest version is

What were the files and folders? Had they always been there, or were they ones you were working on?

Yes, i know. But i've never encounter such problems before. But this time when i use, my files got deleted.

Yes it has always been there.

I manage to get those files back using file recovery program.

Is there such problems before?

Not that I know of.

I asked what the files where in case they were temp ones. But you say it that the files that disappeared were ones you had always had on your desktop.

Glad to hear you got them back :)

What were the files that got removed?

What were the files that got removed?

They were important files like homework etc, not temp files or anything. Everything just got wipe off from my desktop. Now i manage to retreive some back.

Thanks for your help anyway(:

Can i ask what evidence there is that ccleaner did this? Does ccleaner even have the capability to remove files from the desktop.

Can i ask what evidence there is that ccleaner did this? Does ccleaner even have the capability to remove files from the desktop.

Not unless Desktop was added to the include list, no. Are you sure they weren't just shortcuts on the desktop and they pointed to locations where the files were not.

Not unless Desktop was added to the include list, no. Are you sure they weren't just shortcuts on the desktop and they pointed to locations where the files were not.

running many applications at that moment. Just photoshop, firefox and CCleaner. When i ran it, it deletes folders [ not shortcuts ] off my desktop.

Try this to verify it's not an include that's causing it:

1. Start CCleaner

2. Go into: Options->Include

3. Make sure you don't any included paths pointing to your desktop, if you do remove it/them from the include list.

If you don't have any include paths for the desktop you could try to exclude your whole desktop in CCleaner by going into:


running many applications at that moment. Just photoshop, firefox and CCleaner. When i ran it, it deletes folders [ not shortcuts ] off my desktop.

That is NOT proof that CCleaner did it.

It might be something else that happened coincidentally or because of a system corruption or malware.

To prove that CCleaner did it, either by accident or because you have included something,

do NOT Run Cleaner,

but ANALYZE and then double click on each of the result groups to inspect each in turn and observe whether you have found the culprit.

If CCleaner appears innocent then Run Cleaner and again check the results to see if CCleaner has decided to remove something extra.

You cannot effectively clean Firefox if it is running.

Perhaps an application objected to being cleaned whilst it was running and decided to retaliate ! !