Ok like an idiot I downloaded SQL server and Net.framework files from Microsoft. It was offered free so I did it without thinking... Now I really need more space and wanted those files deleted. I tried to delete them but they wouldn't delete using their uninstall.
After the said attempt to delete my OS now throws up a warning at start up: "Warning SQL Server files have been corrupted -- find the files and fix it.... " = Well I don't want to fix it i want to remove it.
I bought CCleaner hoping it would remove them but now I'm afraid to use it.
My equipment: Emachine 182 Gig, XP,
My question: Can CCleaner safely delete these SQL and NET.Framework files safely?
Which versions of SQL server and Net.framework did you install?
Correction regarding payment: I made a donation from a link on this site. And I got a thank you too. I can send you more datails if you didn't benefit from the transaction.
MS Framework 1.1 and 18 files they sent me thereafter.
MS SQL 2005 and many files like: Native Client, Server Setup Support, Vss writer...
All this technology is wasted on me. If I actually need any of to run a PC ofcourse I don't want to delete but I dont think they are necessary and the SQL is broken...
I would really appreciate guidance. I know MS has a description about how to remove the SQL but I'm pertrified to enter the register.
CCleaner is not a program remover. It will delete the unnecessary temporary files, junk files, and such to give you the room on your harddrive back to you.
I think you are looking for a program such as this: Revo Uninstaller
Anything that you install can be removed safely, outside of Windows updates (for the most part.) I can't think of anything that would have to make you do something drastic, like a complete reinstall of the O/S.