Remove SQL server files with CCleaner?

Ok like an idiot I downloaded SQL server and Net.framework files from Microsoft. It was offered free so I did it without thinking... Now I really need more space and wanted those files deleted. I tried to delete them but they wouldn't delete using their uninstall.

After the said attempt to delete my OS now throws up a warning at start up: "Warning SQL Server files have been corrupted -- find the files and fix it.... " = Well I don't want to fix it i want to remove it.

I bought CCleaner hoping it would remove them but now I'm afraid to use it.

My equipment: Emachine 182 Gig, XP,

My question: Can CCleaner safely delete these SQL and NET.Framework files safely?

I'm begging, can someone help please?.



You say you bought ccleaner, where from ?

It is free to all.

Which versions of SQL server and Net.framework did you install?

You say you bought ccleaner, where from ?

It is free to all.

Which versions of SQL server and Net.framework did you install?


Correction regarding payment: I made a donation from a link on this site. And I got a thank you too. I can send you more datails if you didn't benefit from the transaction.

MS Framework 1.1 and 18 files they sent me thereafter.

MS SQL 2005 and many files like: Native Client, Server Setup Support, Vss writer...

All this technology is wasted on me. If I actually need any of to run a PC ofcourse I don't want to delete but I dont think they are necessary and the SQL is broken...

I would really appreciate guidance. I know MS has a description about how to remove the SQL but I'm pertrified to enter the register.

Mucho thanks

How kind of you to make the donation, I am sure that Piriform appreciate it. :)

I must admit that I think I would feel quite daunted myself about uninstalling it, or cleaning up after a failed uninstall.

If no one else here comes up with any ideas, you may be able to get some help by posting here

Perhaps the networking section may be a place to start.

Make sure you give all relevent info in your initial post and follow any instruction given.

Let us know how you go on if you do.


the question is: Can I safely uninstall SQL server 2005 from my PC? yes or no? Please. I got this software specifically to clean this . Anyone?


CCleaner is not a program remover. It will delete the unnecessary temporary files, junk files, and such to give you the room on your harddrive back to you.

I think you are looking for a program such as this: Revo Uninstaller

Anything that you install can be removed safely, outside of Windows updates (for the most part.) I can't think of anything that would have to make you do something drastic, like a complete reinstall of the O/S.