Is anyone aware of a way with in the windows xp style to remove shortcuts to programs in the start menu. I have had RK Launcher for 6 or so months now which replaces the need for the shortcuts to programs via the start menu.
The below i what i want to see when i click START on the taskbar.
Right-click Start > Properties, on Start Menu click Customize and set Number of Programs on Start Menu to 0. Click the Advanced tab and you can deal with the other Start Menu shortcuts, like My Pictures and My Music. If you still have shortcuts to OE and IE, just right-click each one and Remove from list.
Thanks for the attempted help Sniper but i am aware of your suggestions, the problem is not the actual shortcuts what i wast is to completely get rid of the area where the shorcuts are. See screenshot.
Thanks for the attempted help Sniper but i am aware of your suggestions, the problem is not the actual shortcuts what i wast is to completely get rid of the area where the shorcuts are. See screenshot.
I did a lot of research and couldn't find a easy way to do it. Check the net for XP Visual Styles. If you are hardcore, you can use Stylebuilder to make your own custom Start Panel or you can check out some of the Visual Styles other people have made that have compact Start Panels. Hope you find what you're looking for.
Thanks for all your attempted help guys but i still don't think you get what i want. I currently along with everyone else have the the start menu below what i want is the first pic which is in my first post & that i mocked up in paint shop pro.
have you played around with the registry? as for the plain flat look, it doesn't look all that different from the screen shot you posted originally. I don't really know all the reg hacks you'd have to go looking at, but you might consider skinning the entire start menu, theres a few apps out there i've used that let you completely change the look, and i mean completely. as for simplifying the look of it, i'd suggest scrapping the search and run from the list as its quite easy to rember their shortcuts (win key + f, and win + r) respectively. if you have no luck finding how to hack the menu into shape, I'd suggest trying one of the menu skining apps and see how that goes. good luck.