What are .DS_Store files?
Is it possible to add this to the next version as I have to manually delete these files every week on my computer.
What are .DS_Store files?
Is it possible to add this to the next version as I have to manually delete these files every week on my computer.
I think .DS_Store files are a bit like metadata, and are created on Macs as your link shows. As to whether it should be added to CCleaner, does CCleaner run on Macs?
No it doesn't but this would entail recursive scanning
it'd take a while I bet o.o
Although I think shane (If I may be so bold as to address him on a first name basis) may have included this in System Ninja. I'd have to check, I know it does mac icon scanning.
In the world of Windows .DS_Store is a junk file. Personally I download everything into a single folder "My Download Files" then if I've downloaded any new icon packs I run a batch file that automatically removes junk from other OSes.
del /q /s "C:\My Download Files\*.DS_Store"
I would like find and delete thumbs.db too.
Although I think shane (If I may be so bold as to address him on a first name basis) may have included this in System Ninja. I'd have to check, I know it does mac icon scanning.
Yes; .DS_Store files are one of the original reasons I wrote System Ninja, since using CCleaner to remove them took an incredibly long time.
EDIT: UKsosoFF; CCleaner again has the bad-performance-due-to-recursion issue with Thumbs.db files. While I know it's shameless, System Ninja gets these too
ps. You're more than welcome to use my first name, I actively encourage it