I just installed Defraggler again (I reinstalled my OS) and I didn't turn the shell extention off in the installer, but I really don't want it on my rightclick menu's in my explorer. I looked under the settings in Defraggler, but there was no option to turn it off again.. Please add this to the next release, because it's not good you can turn it on during installation, but not turn it off.. Or at least tell me how to remove it from the shell..
A fair enough suggestion, but in the meantime maybe try installing it again, and switch it off that way.
I'm not on my own computer at the moment so can't actually try that myself, but I can't see why it won't work.
Hope that helps.
I just installed Defraggler again (I reinstalled my OS) and I didn't turn the shell extention off in the installer, but I really don't want it on my rightclick menu's in my explorer. I looked under the settings in Defraggler, but there was no option to turn it off again.. Please add this to the next release, because it's not good you can turn it on during installation, but not turn it off.. Or at least tell me how to remove it from the shell..
This is a very good question and one that many others, old and new to DeFraggler, have and wish for resolution. I am posting a procedure below outlining the steps, in order, of how to accomplish this task. It has been noted that some want to use the functionality of context menu accessible defragmentation operations and are having problems doing so; this topic falls right in line with the deactivation issues expressed as it is a simple matter of activation versus deactivation. For help with getting the Windows shell context menu options see the notes section below the deactivation procedure at the bottom of this response for some quick tips.
Might be a touch late in response but, the context menu option can be disabled very easily:
1.) Open/start-up DeFraggler
2.) Choose 'Settings' from the DeFraggler System menu bar between the 'Action' and 'Help' menu options.
3.) Select the 'Options...' menu selection from the 'Settings' drop down menu.
4.) From inside the "Options" dialog pop-up window click the 'General' tab if it?s not the current tab with focus.
5.) Un-Check the 'checkbox' to the left of the last entry stating "Enable Shell Extension" of the 'General' tab.
6.) Click the "OK" button at the bottom right of the "Options" dialog pop-up window.
- DeFraggler immediately activates/de-activates the shell extension once you click the "OK" button of the "Options" dialog pop-up window after making changes to the setting.
- If the 'checkbox' and "Enable Shell Extension" option is grayed-out/inactive and you want to utilize this functionality then ensure that: you have not enabled the "Save all settings to INI file" by unchecking the 'checkbox' to the left of this dialog entry found in the "Options" dialog pop-up window under the 'General' tab and in the "Advanced" group of options ? it is the second entry down in the group.
- Due to the nature of using shell extensions Windows registry entries must be created and the system settings, including initialization settings, must be registered with Windows natively to use native system services which means that an INI file will not cut it. This being said, portable versions of DeFraggler will not currently be able to provide context menu accessibility for defragmentation operations on systems that don?t have the shell extension registry entry/entries required.
Might be a touch late in response but, the context menu option can be disabled very easily:
1.) Open/start-up DeFraggler
2.) Choose 'Settings' from the DeFraggler System menu bar between the 'Action' and 'Help' menu options.
3.) Select the 'Options...' menu selection from the 'Settings' drop down menu.
4.) From inside the "Options" dialog pop-up window click the 'General' tab if it?s not the current tab with focus.
5.) Un-Check the 'checkbox' to the left of the last entry stating "Enable Shell Extension" of the 'General' tab.
6.) Click the "OK" button at the bottom right of the "Options" dialog pop-up window.
Yes, I noticed it yesterday when I downloaded the new version, thanx for adding the option to the new version..
They've put the option back then.
Time I updated my Defraggler.
Yes, I noticed it yesterday when I downloaded the new version, thanx for adding the option to the new version..
Hmmm.. sadly it doesn't seem to work, as I still have the 'Defraggler' right click command even though the option is turned off (I also had it deselected during installation of the new version, I just installed it over the previous version).
Maybe it doesn't work correctly if it's already installed (or installed as 'all users'), or maybe I first have to restart my system (which is at this time not possible because it's doing some compression for me)..
- Run/Start "regedit"
- There will be loads of numbers and letters in brackets example "{0000AB0-0000-00A0-A000-0A0B0000D00}"
- Look for one called "{4380C993-0C43-4E02-9A7A-0D40B6EA7590}"
- Then Click Delete (DEL) and it will remove Defraggler from Context Menu
i had same problem when disabling and this sorted it.
I hope its helps
- Run/Start "regedit"
- There will be loads of numbers and letters in brackets example "{0000AB0-0000-00A0-A000-0A0B0000D00}"
- Look for one called "{4380C993-0C43-4E02-9A7A-0D40B6EA7590}"
- Then Click Delete (DEL) and it will remove Defraggler from Context Menu
i had same problem when disabling and this sorted it.
I hope its helps
thanx, it seems to have worked.. i'm just using find, and I'm removing ALL references to it..