Remove apollo driver files after installing CCleaner

I have an apollo P2100U printer which won't uninstall, and although it is listed in add remove progs - When i try to uninstall it, an error occurs, saying: A file required to uninstall printer is not present!

Anyway, i want to re-install the printer again, and was wondering whether CCCleaner would be able to remove the driver fragments...

Before answering, you should take into account that the errors are present NOW... BEFORE installing CCleaner.

I've already asked on other forums whether i could remove the drivers using HijackThis, but no-one as yet has said it's possible! ... Is it?

And the other option would be to remove it manually, by deleting the Apollo program file folder + Deleting the registry branches:

HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE_SOFTWARE/Hewlette Packard/ApolloP2000U Folder -

HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE_SOFTWARE/Hewlette Packard/HPDJ Printing System Config


HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE_SOFTWARE/Hewlette Packard/6F7ECD56-E224-4263-9B7E-158E5CECC43B

I'd prefer to manually delete the files if possible - But are there any other registry branches or system folders i need to delete!

Thanks in advance... Blo.

First thing I would do is try to reinstall it and then uninstall it again.(this could repair the uninstaller)

Unfortunately i've tried re-installing (Unsuccessfully).

I've had the same problem before - And had to manually delete+edit registry.

However, i can't remember the details! LOL

Some programs (not all) that won't install/uninstall properly will sometimes work without any problems when doing the install/uninstall in Safe Mode.

I tried that 'Yonks' ago...

The scenario is this: Won't uninstall because of missing files. (Can't replace files as i don't know what's missing).

Can't re-install over the top as this particular printer is renowned for these install/lost drivers problems.

Can i just ask again...

1. Would CCleaner remove this driver even though it would be installed AFTER the problem occured?

2. Would HijackThis work as it is already installed?

3. Can anyone walk me thru the Manual Removal Method to get rid of this driver.

Many thanks. Blo.

Anyone... !

...Can't re-install over the top as this particular printer is renowned for these install/lost drivers problems...

...1. Would CCleaner remove this driver even though it would be installed AFTER the problem occured?...

I don't understand why a traditionally buggy printer would prevent you from installing drivers over top of your current ones. Just run your installer again. Even if the software isn't great, it is all you have, unless you can find alternative drivers somewhere else.

And no, CCleaner doesn't touch hardware drivers. If your printer also came with software, such as an app for photo editing or something like that, CCleaner might support cleaning for that, but it doesn't "clean" your drivers, so you don't need to worry about CCleaner preventing the printer itself from working.

thanks to all...

This Bugger of a "Buggy" printer is renowned for it's flaws...

Install over the top is not possible!

There have never been any updated drivers made because Apollo realised early in it's production, that the Software... (Borrowed from HP + modified) was sent out with huge flaws, and the case design was such that the print head sometimes hit the inside of the case during printing.

It also shipped with a major setup error... Hence not being able to install it unless running "English US" language options...

Also - If you unplug the USB, then plug it back in while PC is on - The printer detects as New Hardware - And even if you unplug the USB / cancel Hardware Wizard / switch off, and THEN plug it in while off - It STILL starts the wizard again when computer starts!

Apollo tried to address these issues, but invariably gave-up on this printer not long after it started producing it!

Again - Thanks to all who contributed, but i have now manually removed it.

All the best. Blo.

Main reason explained...

When trying to install over the top, a dialogue says: "Driver already present - Do you want to uninstall first"... Yes or No... Click Yes, and the file missing message appears, and setup finishes... Click NO - and it exits setup also...

Where can i go from here... I'm |NOT sure the bottom registry entry (Above Post) is related to my printer, or my scanner?

Cheers - Dave.

I Googled it here, you'll have to search any relevant links that the search displays.

Try removing the entry using Microsoft Installer Clean-up Utility. If it's not listed, then this won't help.

CCleaner will probably not help you remove anything of it at all.

Yes - It's still listed... When i next have time i will try... Thanks for that. Blo.