Remote assistance

Hi, I have been getting problems on my lap top. It is sometimes very slow, and yesterday I was unable to open Outlook for some hours. I have been round and round the CCleaner web site, trying to find how I obtain remote assistance, without success?

If it's an OEM system from for example Acer, Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc., you could ask them.

It's highly unlikely anyone on this forum will take you up on the offer, for obvious security reasons!

9 hours ago, Bonzo Briggs said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		It is sometimes very slow,

have you tried an restart? with the time something hangs between drivers and windows and the laptop/pc seems to be very slow and the "softstart" from shutdown dont help. but a restart set the hole stuff on the beginning...

Yes done restart several times recently. Today, had great difficulty in even opening ccleaner. When it did there was an updated version available. Downloaded that and it kept on repeating the offer of an updated version. Still nothing on the cash back offer?

On 20/07/2021 at 10:54, Bonzo Briggs said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I have been round and round the CCleaner web site, trying to find how I obtain remote assistance

@Bonzo Briggs: If you have a paid CCleaner licence, you can always contact customer support for assistance at If you have a subscription for CCleaner Premium (the package that includes the live 24x7 technical support), the link to access live chat support (and remote assistance, if required) will be in the order confirmation email that you received from Cleverbridge when you purchased.

Many thanks Will give it a go.