Remember the Acid3 test?


Interesting results I think.



Interesting results I think.


Yes Squire.............very interesting B)

Not that interesting, with all due respect.

Acid3 only tests 100 features, and some (SVG Fonts, for example) will soon be dropped from HTML5.

The WebKit and Presto teams simply put "Pass Acid3" on top of their to-do list, ignoring other, more important things.

Mozilla and Microsoft both announced they were not going to have a 100/100.

More interesting: The results in the CSS2.1 Test Suite - this is the official test suite for CSS 2.1.

IE 9 Beta 1: 97.3%

Safari 5.0.2: ~85%

Other browsers will soon publish their results ; Opera already did so, but it seems they didn't complete all the tests... (here: )