Remember Installer Settings

It would be great if the installer could remember the previous installer settings as long as they were the same. I continuously have to uncheck three checkboxes to prevent some software from being installed upon every install. It would be nice for it to remember the preious installs so that I do not have to keep unchecking them.

Are you first uninstalling an old version of CCleaner, followed then by installing the newest version?

If you install over a pre-existing version all settings should remain intact because the settings are stored in the registry under:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner\Options

I always install over the previous version, but my install options are never saved. I always uncheck

  • Add 'Run CCleaner' option to Recycle Bin context menu
  • Add 'Open CCleaner...' to Recycle Bin context menu
  • Automatically check for updates to CCleaner

How can I add these install options permanently to the registry? (I can only see CCleaner options in that registry key.)

Ah you guys are talking about the initial setup. :o

Yeah I have to uncheck some boxes too. It would be nice if something was added either in an .ini file or in the registry that knows what our selected setup options were.