remember deleted cookies

Hi, I want to say that I love this program for its ease of use, generally.

In fact, I plan to give a donation soon.

(I like the fact that I can save those cookies I want to keep.)

But I would like to see that the following feature be added:

Namely, when I delete certain cookies, I would want Ccleaner

to remember which ones I've deleted to save me having to repeat the work manually

next time a clean out the cookies I don't want / want.

Thanks for your understanding.

How do you save cookies so a new version of CCleaner will not erase all the cookies?? "Cookies to keep" option doesn't seem to save the cookies when new version is installed.

Also when new version is installed, how to save "checked/unchecked options" from previous version. Right now, when I install new version, everything is checked. I left cookies unchecked but when new version was installed, cookies are checked again.

My ultimate purpose is to save certain cookies such that even "cookies" are checked and new version is installed, I can keep these cookies.

I have version 2.27.1070..latest version.

Thanks in advance..

CCleaner will retain all settings if you install a new version over the old. If you select the "Save All Settings To INI File" checkbox in "Options\Advanced", then the same thing applies.

If you want to do a clean uninstall and then install the new version, then you would need to use the INI File option and copy the "ccleaner.ini from it's Program Files folder to another location, and then copy it back after the new install.

Hope that helps.