reinstalling CCleaner v5.02 with old preferences

I had CCleaner v5.02 installed on a 32-bit win7. Ran Easy Transfer before switching to 64-bit Win 7. Ran Easy Transfer again on the 64-bit box, then installed CCleaner v5.02 on that box. However my old CCleaner parameters were not picked up by the new install.

Any way that I can use the old preferences without having to pains takingly enter them one-by-one for the new install?

On the old box, open ccleaner and options/advanced store settings in ini. Copy the ini to your new pc (optionally uncheck store in ini)

The settings are stored in "HKCU\Software\Piriform\CCleaner" - could export from the old system and import to the new one....

On the old box, open ccleaner and options/advanced store settings in ini. Copy the ini to your new pc (optionally uncheck store in ini)

Where is the INI file stored and the name of it please?

Unfortunately, the old box is gone, i.e. won't be able to "store settings in ini."

Where might I find "HKCU\Software\Piriform\CCleaner" ? I only have MS "Easy Transer" from the old box to deal with.

On the old box, open ccleaner and options/advanced store settings in ini. Copy the ini to your new pc (optionally uncheck store in ini)

Where is the INI file stored and the name of it please?

In the ccleaner folder


ccleaner.ini is not in 32-bitWin7\Program Files\CCleaner nor is it in 64-bitWin7\Program Files\CCleaner. (Running CCleaner v5.02 in bothe cases)

ccleaner.ini is not in 32-bitWin7\Program Files\CCleaner nor is it in 64-bitWin7\Program Files\CCleaner. (Running CCleaner v5.02 in bothe cases)

Only there if you set the setting

"Only there if you set the setting" I do have Options -> Cookies settings on 64-bit Wind 7.

"Only there if you set the setting" I do have Options -> Cookies settings on 64-bit Wind 7.

Huh? What does this to do with anything?

Options/Advanced checkmark in save settings in ini, as I said in my first post

Huh? What does this to do with anything? Options/Advanced checkmark in save settings in ini, as I said in my first post

Unfortunately, I did not do this on my old box and the old box is no longer accessable. Any way I can recover my old settings from the files backed up in "Windows Easy Transfer" tool?

I highly doubt there is

I highly doubt there is

I wish I know how CCleaner keeps the same settings from release to release without save settings in ini.

It keeps it settings in the registry where @CSGalloway clearly stated in post 3. If you can't understand what he wrote, then you shouldn't be messing in the registry, which would be required to get the settings without the ini. So, as I said, because I highly doubt that transfer settings did not initially get the settings (as exemplified by the old "parameters (not being) picked up by the new install.

Initially my reply was to do something which would require the old computer but not require the RISKY behavior for anybody to enter the registry.

Without the old computer you've, in my educated opinion, no choice but to recreate the settings the "hard" way one setting and one cookie at a time.

It keeps it settings in the registry where @CSGalloway clearly stated in post 3. If you can't understand what he wrote, then you shouldn't be messing in the registry, which would be required to get the settings without the ini. So, as I said, because I highly doubt that transfer settings did not initially get the settings (as exemplified by the old "parameters (not being) picked up by the new install. Initially my reply was to do something which would require the old computer but not require the RISKY behavior for anybody to enter the registry. Without the old computer you've, in my educated opinion, no choice but to recreate the settings the "hard" way one setting and one cookie at a time.

Cool. Thanks for the explaination. AFAIK, registry is not backed up by "Windows Easy Transfer" tool. I'll do it the 'hard" way. :angry:

On the old box, open ccleaner and options/advanced store settings in ini. Copy the ini to your new pc (optionally uncheck store in ini)

Any down side if I keep "store in ini" checked?

Any down side if I keep "store in ini" checked?


Only difference is the settings are taken out of the registry and put into the ccleaner.ini file instead.