Regression: Recuva does no longer display logical drives


I was using version 1.42.544 and recently updated to version 1.50. I now find out that logical drives, such as those created by ImDisk, are no longer displayed in the list.

Now, only volumes found on physical devices are displayed.

And with the wizard, if I select one of these drives, I get “Invalid drive for scan.”

Why such a regression? Will this be fixed?

Indeed -- this appears to be an ongoing problem. Note that I reported it way back in June of 2013 when I installed v1.47.948. Note that it was working fine with v1.43.623. At the time, they seemed to work in the Wizard. In October of 2013, I posted that it had gotten even worse -- with v1.48.982, it no longer even worked in the Wizard mode!

Interestingly, in v1.49.1019, it appeared to work again! I posted so -- and got thanked for letting people know.

Then, in January of 2014, it was broken again in v1.50.1036!

It seems to jump back and forth. I wanted to confirm that it wasn't just something that I was doing -- so, on 21-Jan-2014, I did a test:

I went and found the previous version of Recuva -- v1.49.1019. So, I had the two versions right next to each other -- v1.49 and the latest v1.50 at the time -- both on the same machine (64-bit) and with the same mounted virtual drive.

in v1.49, the mounted drive (which I have mapped to "T:") showed up just fine and could be scanned.

In v1.50, it simply didn't show it at all. It wasn't an option to pick!

Clearly, there is some problem on the Recuva said of things. Sometimes it sees those drives -- sometimes it doesn't!

Hopefully, this is corrected in a new version (again). For now, if you really need to do it, try going back to a version known to work with virtual disks (such as v1.49.1019 mentioned above).

- John...

Thanks for posting your findings guys.

I'm sure the devs will be looking at this although they usually don't contribute unless they require more information.

Thanks for posting your findings guys.

I'm sure the devs will be looking at this although they usually don't contribute unless they require more information.

Based on the fact that I first reported it well over a YEAR ago and it keeps happening, I'm not convinced that the devs will be looking at this as you suggest, sorry.

It's a long-known, ongoing problem that simply doesn't get fixed. Or, more accurately, appears to get fixed in one build but then regresses back to broken in the next. Over and over and over again.

- John...