
Hello i just downloaded CCleaner and it seems like a great program so far. Sorry is this question has been asked i just couldnt find a straight forward answer.

I ran "scan for issues" on registry and over 200 issues popped up. CAN I HIT THE FIX SELECTED ISSUES AND BE OK? I called geek squad and someone told me that some might be bad and shouldn't be fixed, another said to fix them all. ? :blink: ?

You can however when it asks to make a backup let it make the backup.

It would be better if you'd actually do this:

1. Make a System Restore backup.

2. Make a ERUNT backup - this can fully restore your registry if System Restore fails.

Personally I do as my advice below :)

And if any issues keep reappearing, look at this topic.

If some Registry issues keep reappearing....

You can also add them to the ignore list. Options>Exclude>Add Registry.

Take note...

Dial-a-Fix does not work on Vista or Windows 7