RegistryBooster 2 picks 500+ more registry entires then CC


a colleague of mine has recently installed RegistryBooster 2 and given me a heads up...I use CCleaner exclusively.

We did a side by side comparison and found that registryBooster found 500+ entries more than CCleaner...What's going on I ask...

Anyway I have attached a copy of the RB log so you can haev a look and advise...change CCleaner so it can get back to the top of the roost...

Many thanks





This is not a CCleaner bug!

CCleaner's registry cleaner is not aggressive, hence the reason it doesn't find a horde of stuff like aggressive registry cleaners do.

Also you can't trust that every single entry detected by an aggressive registry cleaner is completely safe to delete, so make sure you make a System Restore point and/or an ERUNT backup of your registry.

Also posting a scan log from that other program isn't really going to help anything, as many registry cleaners either use a typical Windows .reg file for universal support without the host application installed (like what CCleaner does), and others use a totally different format or proprietary format.


a colleague of mine has recently installed RegistryBooster 2 and given me a heads up...I use CCleaner exclusively.

We did a side by side comparison and found that registryBooster found 500+ entries more than CCleaner...What's going on I ask...

Anyway I have attached a copy of the RB log so you can haev a look and advise...change CCleaner so it can get back to the top of the roost...

Many thanks



CCleaner find registry error that other reg cleaner dont...

also note that theres no such a thing a PERFECT REG CLEANER "some reg cleaner will find,and others dont,vice versa"


a colleague of mine has recently installed RegistryBooster 2 and given me a heads up...I use CCleaner exclusively.

We did a side by side comparison and found that registryBooster found 500+ entries more than CCleaner...What's going on I ask...

Anyway I have attached a copy of the RB log so you can haev a look and advise...change CCleaner so it can get back to the top of the roost...

Many thanks



I agree with the other posts, and I'm in no way bashing the Reg Booster product, it may well find some more items, so with that said, hopefully you know to run the CCleaner Reg cleaning back to back until it doesn't find any more entries. I'm just a user and not one of the programmers, but I would guess that one the first cleaning it takes out items that will make the items in the second run orphans.

Good Luck!
