
I have troubles in understanding the following matter:

In the version cssetup222 I was able to clean

"\APP Management\ARPCache\ ..

In the newer versions, f.e. cssetup229 it is not possible to clean the above mentioned registries. If I use the RegSeeker, it will advised that the "\APP Management\ARPCache\ .. could be cleaned (green advised).

Who can me declare the reason for the new situation with the CCleaner?

Thanks in advance.


P.S. My mother tongue is German. Sorry, if I express me not quiet correct.


Maybe you'd better provide more information on what you mean by ARPCache..

So I guess you mean the Add Remove Programs Cache ?... what is actually under the following registry key :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Management\ARPCache

(not to be confused with the Address Resolution Protocol Cache I guess :) )

I have read somewhere that this registrey key contains extra information, such as , size , frequency of use, last used on, that can be seen in the Add/Remove Programs list of Applications installed.

So I suppose it is not a real good idea to only zap everything in it, but to fine tune what stuff can be actually removed , at least related to Applications that have been already uninstalled. That is what is probably tricky to analyse...

Hope my answer satisfies you .. but probably best to be corrected or confirmed by the CCleaner developer :unsure:

To-day, I am missing a comment of the CCleaner developper. Sorry, I am not a little astonished ..


This is a help forum manned by volunteer members who give up their time for free.

You've had a reply from one of those volunteer members, and your comment on that reply was nothing short of offensive so I've deleted it.

As you seem insistent on only getting a reply from the developers, you won't be expecting any more replies from the volunteer members here, so I'm closing this thread and suggest you visit the Piriform site and find a way to contact the developers from there.